Thursday, August 19, 2010


"Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive..." I Corinthians 10:23

For the past few months I have been trying to lose a little weight.  That is something very hard for a major chocoholic and Pepsi lover.  I used to have a bowl of ice cream every single night before bed.  My kids knew that mommy did not share her ice cream!  And my husband knew, when the wife got cranky she must be out of ice cream!  I have started diets more times than I can count but never made it past a week.  I just want my ice cream too much! 

That is when I came across this verse, "Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.  Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive..." I Corinthians 10:23.  Ice cream, itself, is not bad.  A brownie is not bad.  They are permissible.  But are they a benefit to my body?  No. 

My mom discovered just this week that she is diabetic.  Some of the foods she loves, she should not eat anymore.  Yes, these foods are permissible but will do no benefit to her body.  In fact, they can cause her body harm. 

God created us to need food and nourishment on a daily basis.  If we are eating food (or doing other things) that might be permissible but not beneficial to our body, we need to pray about it.  Pray about food?  Yes!  Pray that God will help you see the things you should not be eating.  Pray that God would help you crave the things that are beneficial to your body.  God wants our bodies to be healthy.  So cravings are not bad, but let's ask God to help us crave things that are a benefit to our body!


  1. If you only knew how hard this is, Jenifer. I am constantly praying for God to help me plan my meals and to help me not CRAVE my Sonic pop!!! I like the scripture you quoted...I needs to memorize that one and keep it in the forefront of my mind during this hard time.

    Love ya,


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