"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children you will never see the kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:3
"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Mark 10:15
My sweet daughter has been sick this week. She is running a high fever and just feels yucky. She is so tired yet can not fall asleep. As her mommy, my heart is breaking and I just want to take this sickness away from her. Through all of her discomfort, she has not once complained. Not one negative, sad word has come out of her mouth. I have prayed for her several times and once she asked me to pray for her but she has not complained that God has not healed her yet. She quietly and peacefully waits. She has a pure faith.

About five months ago we were doing our Bible study before school and something spoke to her. She came up to me and with a sparkle in her eyes she said these words to me, "Mommy, when I get to Heaven my body is going to be perfect. I won't have any tumors ever again. So it's okay if I have them now because God will make it better then." She has a pure faith.
I am sitting here in tears over my sweet baby girl. She has been through so much in her little life. This is only part of what she has gone through. It hurts me so much. Yet, she is okay with it. She knows the promise of God. The promise of Heaven and no more tears. She has a pure faith. But do I?
Christ mentions the same thing twice in scriptures. We must become like children. We must have the faith of a child to enter Heaven. When our children are little they run into our arms with faith that we will not move and let them fall. They do not worry about meals because they have faith we will feed them. They have such a pure and precious faith in God and in us as parents. We need to exercise that kind of pure faith in Christ. Faith that He will provide for our needs, that He will love us and be by our side. My daughter has a complete faith that God will heal her. She has no worries about how, when or where. She just knows it is coming. I am going to chose to have that kind of faith. Are you?
What a sweetheart if we all had that much faith there would be know worries I love you Gracie and I am praying for you and I know God will heal you.
ReplyDeleteJenifer, you brought tears to my eyes this morning. I have a son who was born with an incurable blood disease called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH), and we spent the first year and a half basically living at A.I. Dupont Hospital for Children, wondering if he was going to be with us much longer. I struggled with my Faith through those times, as I saw my son's body being tortured from within and so many other children going through similar nightmares along with him. However, through that period I saw amazing things from the children in that Oncology Ward. They were upbeat, and positive, and peaceful. Through all that pain, they had Faith... they got it. I learned so much in those years, but it took me some time outside of it to see it for the life-changing experience that it had been. My path has been very much molded by those days, and I understand now that while we may not always see the reason for things, God knows what it is and God is good. I posted some of this to my blog as well, if you'd like to take a look it's at http://www.phatherphil.org/?p=328 . God Bless you and your little love.
Phil, thank you for sharing your story. A child's faith is so sweet and pure and we can learn so much from them.
ReplyDeleteI am heading over now to look at your blog.
Jenifer, I've read some of your other postings and very much enjoy them. I think my readers might as well, so may I add you to my Blogroll?
ReplyDeletePhil, I would appreciate that. I was just over at your blog as well. I love what I was reading. I am now following you. I look forward to reading more. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteAll I kept thinking as I was reading this was, "I don't understand Your ways. Oh, but I will give you my praise." It's gonna be worth it! I believe that. I choose to walk by faith.
ReplyDeleteI too was moved by your words and the faith of your daughter. I would also like to add your blog to my blogroll, with your permission.
Rich Schumacher
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ReplyDeleteRich, thank you. I would appreciate you adding me to your blogroll. I just looked at your sight too. I can not find a place to follow but I have book marked you and look forward to reading more. Blessings.