"Love is patient, love is kind." I Corinthians 13:4
Today I am going to speak to the wives for a moment, though men I would love for you to chime in with your comments.
God has been dealing with me about my attitude towards my husband and it seems everywhere I turn I am getting confirmation of that. It is not that I am particularly mean to him, but my attitude shows indifference.
Recently my husband got off of work early and I was out running errands. When I finally came home and walked through the door, he did not rush up and welcome me home with open arms and a big romantic kiss. He didn't even leave his chair! I barely got a 'hi.' I was offended. But God gently spoke to me and asked me how often I do that. When we were first married I knew what time my hubby would be home and I was always waiting at the door with a fresh glass of tea, an afternoon snack and a big kiss. But somewhere along the line, I quit doing that. These days, I do not leave my task at hand. I barely give him a 'hi.'
When the kids are frustrating me, I have been working hard on the house, I am tired and so on, my husband gets the raw end of the deal. He gets my attitude. Even if I am not upset with him, the frustration comes out on him. That is not fair. I do not want him coming home from a long day at work and taking his problems with co-workers out on me, so how can I do that to him?
My husband, and many times my kids, get the tired, wore out and frustrated me. The world gets the 'good' me. My friend and pastor's wife always says, "The woman sets the tone for her home." So true. If I want a happy, peaceful home, it has to start with me.
Women, I want to put a challenge out there for you. For the rest of this month (and prayerfully for life) I want you to greet your husband at the door when he gets home each night. Wrap your arms around him and tell him you love him. Even when we don't feel like, let's press on anyway. See what difference it makes in your home. Let's set an attitude of peace and joy in our home. A home that our husbands love to come to.
Sweet Blessings~

I remember several years ago I was home cleaning and workng around the house. I was in a pretty good mood, then for no reason, about 10 minutes before my husband came home, my whole attitude changed and I was angry. In fact, I was downright mad! I had no reason...I was just mad. By the time Jim came in, I was in a full blown tizzy! There was no rhyme or reason for it but there it was. I truly had to repent. I know God has helped me as I don't have that problem anymore! Thank you for this post! It's a great reminder!
ReplyDeleteI can say that I really need to take you up on the challange. My family also gets the worn out me...and I am always worn out :-)
ReplyDeleteBut what a difference it could make if I would just make a tiny effort to be nice...
I accept this challenge! I want my husband to be kind to me, so I will set the tone and example by being kind to him. Thank you for this reminder!
ReplyDeleteIt is always nice to see a chanllenge like this. You always seem to come up with something that will help someone or is it that you are listening to God? Thanks for a wonderful post.
ReplyDeleteI know this was directed to the ladies Jenifer, but your words can absolutely be applied to Husbands as well. Even though I work very diligently not to bring any negative emotions home, sometimes they slip through all the same. I'm very Blessed in that I have an amazing Wife who balances me exceptionally well, and I try to do the same when she's having a rough time. By letting God's Voice guide us through the difficult times, we always come out stronger and closer to each other, and to Him. Thank you for a wonderful post!
ReplyDeletePhil, it can be for both the husband and wife. Not to 'tattle' on my husband but he has done similar things. It is something we are both committing to working on. Thank you for your comment. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteLadies, I am so glad you are taking the challenge. This is very important to me. We set the tone for our home and we need to set a happy, accepting, joyful tone. It starts with our attitudes. I will be checking with you all throughout the month to see how it is going. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this post. Many days my frazzled wife DOES meet me at the door with a welcome home kiss and I take that for granted. Also, Phather is right, as a minister I sometimes take home the stressors of my position, upsetting the peace of our household.
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Youth Pastor, it is so wonderful that your wife is able to greet you when you come home, even on days she is frazzled. What a blessing! Thank you for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteAmen sister! "The woman sets the tone for her home." So true. When mammas not happy, nobodys happy! My daughter often asks, "mom are you happy?" Maybe she is preparing for the 5pm unhappy mamma with horns raised from the top of her head. Our hubbys to get the short end of the stick sometimes. Its hard to be cleaner, cooker, carting kids around, etc. and then be some Victoria Secret model waiting at the door with anticipation of his arrival. I needed that reminder though to meet my man at the door. No complaining about who hit who...just an I love you and Im glad to see you! Thanks for this!
ReplyDeleteKelli, that is exactly it! So many of us (all of us at some point or another) have met our unexpecting husbands at the door with complaints of our day. It is so unfair to them. We may not feel gorgeous after being spit on, spilled on, and dusty from cleaning, but we can still greet them with a smile and kind word. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteI'm up for the challenge. Thanks for putting it out there. It's so important to make my husband feel like he is appreciated, respected, NEEDED and loved! I know one of the simplest ways is to be happy that he is home and show him. Not always easy, we do need reminders every now and then!
ReplyDeleteMy husband-to-be doesn't really seem to care when I do that... I always meet him at the door when I'm at his place and he's coming home from work, and he just says "Hi.. hehe..". I'm not sure if he even likes it...
ReplyDeleteBut I just keep on doing it hah!