You see, up to the time of the flood, it had never rained before. God was sitting up there on His throne telling Noah to build a monster size boat for rain although Noah had never seen rain. It makes me think of some crazy fictional movie where something totally outrageous and far fetched is supposed to happen. Yet Noah had faith. Even not knowing what rain was or why God would ask him to build a boat and take animals on it, he still had faith.
Can I do that? I would like to think I could. But I am not sure. If God asked me to do something that seemed so out there to my human thinking, would I simply have faith in the unknown? There have been times, many times, I struggled having faith in those little every day things. But to have faith in the unknown?
"He replied, 'If you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
you can say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and
planted in the see, and it will obey you.'"
Luke 17:6
The picture above is mustard seeds next to a staple. They are that small! And all it takes is faith that size. That's it! We can have that small seed size faith because we know God is who He says He is. Because we know that God always sees the bigger picture, we do not. And because, we know God always has our best interest at heart.
I want to have the faith of Noah. I want to say yes to God even in the unknown.

Amen sister, I want the faith of Noah too, no matter what God calls us to do that we say yes without hesitation. Great post! <3 ya!
ReplyDeleteThe night that I gave my heart to God I was hearing a message on having faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed! I love that Scripture. I, too, love the story of Noah and his faith. I have often prayed that I could have faith like his, but then God brings me back to the mustard seed...that's all it takes!
ReplyDeleteI love this! I absolutely love love the photo of the mustard seed. How encouraging as that. Faith the size of a staple is all it takes to follow! I needed that today! And girl I am glad we agree about haulin' laundry and exercise! Love reading today...
ReplyDeleteLast night I read the story of Noah and the flood. He had so much faith.You have a great post and I also like the mustard see compared to the staple. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful that the Bible didn't say that if we only had faith the size of a grapefruit, because I would have failed right then and there, but the size of a Mustard seed? We can all do that!
ReplyDeleteOne thing that astounds me about Noah, though, is that he came through that terrible flood, made the sacrifice, saw the rainbow and all. But when he realized that his son had peeked into his tent and had seen him, and had covered up his shameful nakedness because of his own foolish over-indulgence of wine, he cursed his youngest son to slavery for the rest of his life! There is a warning there for me, I think, just because I do a righteous deed, make huge progress in areas of faith, I can still fail God if I allow my pride to rise up. Do you see it that way?
Thanks again for a great post.
Hugs, Cindy
I am a huge faith believer and believe that all things are possible:)
ReplyDeleteI love the faith of Noah. What struck me about him was how long he stayed in the ark. The dove returned the first time with the olive branch and the second time it didn't return at all. Noah opened the window of the ark and saw dry ground, but still he waited. He didn't leave the ark until God said it was time. I'm not sure I would have been the patient after being in the ark with all those animals for over a year. But I want to be like Noah and not move until God says it's time.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog and it was a huge blessing to me today! I am a military wife and Mom of 4 kids. Life being a military wife, you have to have a lot of faith!! Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteHeather, thank you for stopping by! Yes I would imagine as a military wife you would need a lot of faith. Thank you for your family's service and sacrifice. Blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteThe story of Noah has always been one of my favorites as well Jenifer. To have the overwhelming level of faith that he showed is something we should all strive to emulate in our own lives.
ReplyDeleteHave a Blessed Day!
I know, I've often thought about the ridicule Noah likely faced for building the Ark and for going on and on about God and sin. I wonder if I would have said yes and I wonder how I would have managed people thinking I was crazy. But... when God speaks and we know it's Him I doubt much could get in our way! Thanks Jenifer!
ReplyDeleteJenifer, I have a blog post called "Get Them In The Ark," with a quote at the very beginning that I love:) Goes something like this. "Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic." Those who hear God's voice and walk in faith daily need not adhere to conventional wisdom.
ReplyDeleteAnother quote we've all heard, "Remember, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark."
Great quotes Debra! Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteRight on...I have always 'hoped' I'd have the courage to step-up if called out by Him. But I don't know until it happens. I always wonder if I'll know when He's actually calling me to do something or if I'm just imagining things...
ReplyDeleteFaith in the trust for what we can't see, have never seen. Wow. I want that kind of faith too!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post. =) I struggle with that concept all the time. To really let go and trust that I am to go where he guides me. It's scary. The times I have 'let go and let God' have proved to be the most amazing experiences...with outcomes I never imagined. Why is it then that each and every time we need to let go..we still pause? But he continues to win our hearts and trust over and over. =)