Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Am Weary

I have been battling all week with my kids, my oldest son in particular.  He dislikes school, as many kids do, and he has a very short fuse so many things make him angry.  I have felt weary.  I am so tired of arguing and disciplining.  Today I felt especially burdened, then I came across this verse:  

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

I don't have to be weary.  I don't have to be stressed.  I can give it to God and He will carry me so I rest in His arms.

Are you weary today?  Run to Christ.

Sweet Blessings~


  1. Amen my friend! :-)

    Love you and I'm praying you find rest and peace today... in HIM.


  2. I've been running to Him all week Jenifer... Thank you for the reminder!

    Have a Blessed Day!

  3. You may not remember but he is just like your brother! Exactly, in fact, with a little of Jeremy thrown in to the mix. That makes for a volitale young man. Be of good cheer...look at Brian now. He is a grown man with a family. He isn't like he used to be. He still has that 'lazy streak' but other than that, he turned out well. Bub will, too. This is just a 'season' you are going through! Love you and hang in there...he'll be grown and gone before you know it. (*Smiles)

  4. I am feeling that weariness this week too. Thank you for the reminder of that verse and its promise!

  5. God has been reminding me lately that I don't have to do it all on my own. He wants to be my strength. That takes a huge burden off of me. I want to run to Him.

  6. Amen... it's the only place to go to get the rest, peace and strength to go on. Praying for you!

  7. I have been there from time to time and a wise person once shared that we should say at that moment "Let go and Let God" So I would say it over and over and over until I truly believe it. The Father can take care of this situation alot better than I can. Pray for peace and that this too shall pass.

  8. Amen sister, I'm so glad we don't have to carry our burdens on our own. God is our helper.

  9. Yes, run to Christ! I love that verse.
    God bless,

  10. I found your blog from women living well. Thank you for sharing this. It was perfect for today! :)

  11. I am a new follower from the blog party. This is one of my favorite bible verses and such a comfort! Hope you will come by for a visit :)

  12. Oh, God bless you - my daughter sounds a lot like your son. She's a tough one. My heart goes out to you. You're right; it is SO exhausting to have to be the one to discipline, nag, remind, reprimand, etc. It's easy to feel drained and worn out. Sending prayers for God's rejuvenation and rest. Be blessed :)

  13. Raising children is a tough job and home schooling is adding to it. I know you will get through this because you know you have the Lord so you can rest in His arms. Praying for you. Love you lots and blessings to you.

  14. Aw w...I'm so sorry to hear this, but you do know the source of your strength, I pray that things will turn around soon for your young man.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  15. I love this verse. He offers us true rest. He carries us when are just too exhausted to take another step. I love this about Him. He has unlimited amounts of strength to offer us. Will be praying for you too.


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