I am also so very excited to have Eileen from Scenic Route guest posting here today. Stop by her blog and show her some love!
Eileen Knowles is a small town Arizona girl who now lives in small town North Carolina with her husband, Roger and their seven-year old son. When she is not working part-time loving on animals at the local animal hospital, she thoroughly enjoys running, leading ladies bible study at her church and writing about how cool it is to journey through life with Jesus holding her hand.

A big THANK YOU to Jenifer for allowing me to a part of Sweet Blessings today!
We should live our lives in a fluid dance of surrender with God. You have to surrender, and surrender often. ~ Amena Brown
I don't dance. Well, it's not that I don't...but I just don't do it well. The only kind of dancing I know how to do is the rocking back and forth kind. The same kind of dancing I did at my high school prom. I don't consider this real dancing. In the past, when I've attempted to dance, I've always felt incredibly awkward.
I think my main problem with dancing, besides being born with wiggle-resistant hips, is I have a hard time letting someone else lead me. It's difficult for me to let go of that control and let my partner guide me around the floor.
I've been thinking about how the above quote describes our relationship with the Lord as a fluid dance. He's our partner guiding us around the dance floor. When we try to do His job everything feels forced and unnatural. However, if we choose to truly let Him to do the leading, trusting Him to guide us around the dance floor of our lives, we will notice a smoothness in our movements. When we completely surrender to His leading, the tension is gone and we find ourselves at rest in His embrace. The dance flows naturally, just the way our Creator designed it to be.
But we must be willing to pay attention to His lead. We must stay focused and willing to move in the direction He is asking us to go.
I've learned, just like the quote above, that surrender is a daily choice. Yes, I gave my life to Christ years ago...that was the easy part. The part that seems to be more of a challenge for me, is choosing to give my will to Him every moment of every day. But when I do make this choice, it always turns out to be the most incredible trip around the dance floor!
This is the connection I desire to have with my Heavenly Father everyday, don't you?
Hmmm...all this talk about dancing almost makes me want to go find a floor to dance on...almost. ;)
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28 The Message)
I don't dance. Well, it's not that I don't...but I just don't do it well. The only kind of dancing I know how to do is the rocking back and forth kind. The same kind of dancing I did at my high school prom. I don't consider this real dancing. In the past, when I've attempted to dance, I've always felt incredibly awkward.
I think my main problem with dancing, besides being born with wiggle-resistant hips, is I have a hard time letting someone else lead me. It's difficult for me to let go of that control and let my partner guide me around the floor.
I've been thinking about how the above quote describes our relationship with the Lord as a fluid dance. He's our partner guiding us around the dance floor. When we try to do His job everything feels forced and unnatural. However, if we choose to truly let Him to do the leading, trusting Him to guide us around the dance floor of our lives, we will notice a smoothness in our movements. When we completely surrender to His leading, the tension is gone and we find ourselves at rest in His embrace. The dance flows naturally, just the way our Creator designed it to be.
But we must be willing to pay attention to His lead. We must stay focused and willing to move in the direction He is asking us to go.
I've learned, just like the quote above, that surrender is a daily choice. Yes, I gave my life to Christ years ago...that was the easy part. The part that seems to be more of a challenge for me, is choosing to give my will to Him every moment of every day. But when I do make this choice, it always turns out to be the most incredible trip around the dance floor!
This is the connection I desire to have with my Heavenly Father everyday, don't you?
Hmmm...all this talk about dancing almost makes me want to go find a floor to dance on...almost. ;)
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28 The Message)
Eileen, thank you for joining us today! Your message has encouraged me greatly.
Sweet Blessings~
Eileen, I love that quote. Another thing I really like about your post is where you say "Yes, I gave my life to Christ years ago...that was the easy part. The part that seems to be more of a challenge for me, is choosing to give my will to Him every moment of every day. But when I do make this choice, it always turns out to be the most incredible trip around the dance floor!" This is SO true. Giving my life to Christ WAS the easy part...daily choosing to follow Him is sometimes difficult. But...as you said, when I do make that choice...it is an incredible trip around the dance floor! Thank you for this beautiful analogy!!! God bless.
ReplyDeleteEileen, I love the way you put this. It is not always easy to put the Lord in the lead but when we do what comes out of it is really beautiful. God knew what He was planning from the beginning and we just have to follow. Thanks for a lovely post and blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteEileen, you post made me think of something I heard several years ago. The word Guidance means: God, you and I dance. I want to dance with Jesus everyday - letting Him lead. Great post and nice to see you over here!
ReplyDeleteI loved this post, you are the right the easy part is giving our life to Christ, it is another thing entirely to let Him lead us around the dance floor. Blessings to you my sweet friend.
Debi, that lesson of being a daily choice to follow Him is a life long lesson. Seemed to have to keep learning it. Glad everyday is a new day to look to Him!
ReplyDeleteDeane, Yep, it's a beautiful thing to watch Him work when we give Him control.
Lisa, I like that quote! Short and sweet and so true!
Kandi, Amen!
Giving up our illusion of control certainly is the tough part Eileen, but you're absolutely correct that the "dance" goes so much more smoothly when we do!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
Have a Blessed Day!
Eileen - I loved your post! Thank you for sharing your heart :)
ReplyDeleteJennifer - I enjoyed your post over at incourage! As a mom of little ones I was there yesterday :) I'll be following your journey along!
Aurie, So glad you stopped by! :)
ReplyDeleteEileen, thanks again for guesting posting today! Your message has touched my heart as well as others! Blessings to you my dear friend!
Aurie, Thank your for your comments!
ReplyDeleteJenifer, Loved it! Thanks for having me :)
What a sweet reminder- I have been burned out, especially lately! Thanks for the wisdom spoken in love :).
ReplyDeleteLetting go and letting God, is a decision I make every day and sometimes many times a day. You are so right, life goes more smoothly and is so much more satisfying when I allow Him to lead.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Cindy