That was how I felt last night.
Wednesday it seemed like every thing that could, went wrong. Not major things but things that just made me sigh. Then Wednesday night our teammate was hurt badly before our baseball game. Then during the game my son was hurt. He is the catcher and while making a play at home plate the runner plowed him over. His already sunburned and blistered back was scraped up and his eye was swollen, cut and bruised. One of our team moms is a nurse practitioner and said he was okay but would bruise and be sore for awhile. I was hurt that my son and his friend were hurting. Then we got word that our prayers were answered and Collin was okay! And Jeremiah was feeling good as well. I suddenly felt like I was on a praise high. I felt good. We prayed and the boys were okay. I woke up the next morning still on that praise high. I went through Thursday praising God for healing the boys and being there for us. I was happy.
Then last night my daughter was hurt. She has asked me not to share details and she will be okay physically. But she has a major permanent mark now. I wasn't angry because what happened was a complete accident. But I just felt like 'what else could possibly happen.'
My praise balloon was popped.
As any parent, I hate to see my children hurting. And while they are both physically okay, my son is walking around with a horrible black eye (praise God those heal!) and my daughter has a permanent mark.
Like a balloon deflates, I felt deflated. I tried to praise God. I tried to count my blessings. I tried but I came up empty. I told my sweet sisters how I felt and they prayed for me and encouraged me. Then this morning I woke up with a song on my mind. Mercy Me's new song Move. It says:
I'm not about to give up
Because I heard you say
There's gonna be brighter days
There's gonna be brighter days
I wont stop, I'll keep my head up
No, I'm not here to stay
There's gonna be brighter days
There's gonna be brighter days
This fun song always encourages me. Then I read Isaiah 40:29, "He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless." I sure felt weak and powerless last night. But I don't have to continue that way. God is my strength. God is giving me a new, brighter day.
Friends, we will have days when we feel deflated, empty, and spent. But don't give up. There are brighter days. God is still there. Look to Him. When life throws things at you, just remember to keep praising Him.
Sweet Blessings~

Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning! Whether we are on a praise high or we are feeling defeated, God is always with us, always holding us. He is faithful and will never leave us. That truth makes for a brighter day. :) Love ya!
ReplyDeleteThose are hard days/seasons when everything that could go wrong..does. Glad your kids are okay. It's so hard as a Mommy to watch them get hurt. So thankful that despite our circumstances He is faithful to hold onto us!
ReplyDeleteImagine how you feel when your kids are hurting...that's how I feel right baby girl is hurting. I wish I could just kiss it and make it all better.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I have been on a praise high since Wednesday. And, like you, after last night, I was feeling a little deflated! But, as Lisa said, "Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning!" Well, it's is here...I claim it and accept it because I know that God is faithful!
I will continue to pray and lift you before God. I love you.
Thank you mom! I love you!
ReplyDeleteSometimes we have to choose His promises over our circumstances... we have to grasp His strength and move on praising Him. So, so easy to get caught up in the way we feel, but such a great victory when we choose Him instead! Great post :)
ReplyDeleteIt is hard at times to praise God when we are hurting but that is the time we should be praising Him. When we praise Him our spirits are lifted. Will keep you all in prayer. I know things will look brighter at a later date. Love you and blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteAs hard as it may be, those dark days are when we need to praise and thank Him the most! Sending prayers for your family in the midst of struggles.
ReplyDeleteLove that song! Praise God that there are brighter days ahead of all of us!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenifer. Glad your kids are ok. I know how you feel, one minute you're praising and the next, the mat gets pulled out from under you. I always feel, after I come out of my pity party, that God wants we to start being emotionally balanced no matter what's going on - good or bad. Not so easy! But God never said it would be easy - He said He's be there!
ReplyDeleteGreat post
God bless and hope you have a less eventful weekend with much peace.
It certainly has been a roller-coaster of a week for you Jenifer. Like you, it pains me deeply when our children are hurting, frightened or sad. Thankfully though, through our Faith and the Word we know that even in those times where God's Love doesn't seem quite as obvious, we know that He's there all the same.
ReplyDeleteI pray that you and your family can have a more relaxing and trouble-free weekend!
Have a Blessed Day!
I found myself listening to Mercy Me after telling someone special, "We'll bend, but we won't break!" I wrote a short post titled "Stronger."
ReplyDeleteAnd stronger you will become. I think of each teachable moment as opportunities for God to assure us of what we know to be true—life is messy, but God is near! sorry to hear that your two children have been hurt, that is always a hard thing for a mom. After all we carried those bodies for nine months and we want them to remain healthy and beautiful! Thankfully God watched over them while they were in the womb and He still is, I'm so glad it was nothing life altering. Thank you, Jesus for that.
ReplyDeleteLove and hugs,