Thursday, August 4, 2011

His Branch

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5

This verse woke me up in the night this week. 

Why do we try to do things on our own?  Why do we rely on our own strength and knowledge before even turning to God?

He tells us right here in John that apart from Him, we can do nothing.  So why do we even attempt it?

Friends, turn to God first thing.  Do not try to go through life making your own way.  God, help me to remain in You at all times.  Help me to turn to You and not rely on my own resources.  Without You, I am nothing. 

Sweet Blessings~

Don't forget to sign up for our giveaway!  Today is the last chance!  Leave a comment, Facebook about the giveaway and Tweet about the giveaway for three chances today.  If you are not yet following through Google Friend Finder, Twitter, or Facebook, join us there for three additional entries.  Click here for more info.  Winner announced tomorrow.


  1. Thank you for this timely word, Jenifer. This is the very message the Lord gave me early today in my prayer time: lean on Him, not my own pea brain.


  2. Jenifer,

    I tried to do things on my for so long and all I managed to do was make a mess out of things. Lovely words Jenifer.


  3. This is one of my favorite verses! I think of it often while I am gardening and wonder what God is pruning from me.

  4. God has impressed the same thing on my heart - why do we struggle so much on our own when He is standing there waiting with open arms. We can't do it apart from Him anyway, so why do we even try? I can do all things through Christ, not through me. Great post!

  5. What a great lesson for today. Doing things in our own stength is a pathway to typical reaches. I want the God-sized reaches. I want to be dependent upon God not dependant on me. Great post from a very sweet heart!

  6. Amen sister, I can't do anything without Him. Great post.

  7. The past several weeks if I hadn't had Jesus I would never have made it through. We are so blessed to have Him, He is the strength we can count on. Without Him we can do nothing. A wonderful and strong post, thank you.

    Blessings to you and love you.

  8. Amen Jenifer. So often we try to rely on our own strength to resolve things that seem "too little" to involve God. Jesus made it clear that God wants to be part of ALL of our lives, not just the crises.

    Great post!

    Have a Blessed Day!

  9. I posted your give-away on my fb, I forgot to do that yesterday ;)

  10. Hi Jenifer - thank you for this. I am stubborn in that way - I try to do everything myself and then when I can do nothing else, then turn to God. So daft! Without Him - I am nothing
    God bless


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