Friday, September 16, 2011

Why Do We Worry?

The winner of Jeremy Riddle's new cd Furious and Ginny Owens' new cd Get In, I'm Driving is Allison from Beautiful In Him!  Congrats Allison!  Please email me at

Our world is going through tough times. People are losing jobs or working less hours.  Even those that still have a steady income have to deal with grocery prices going up, utility prices going up, and gas prices going way up.  Everywhere you turn, someone is dealing with this.

"So don't worry about these things saying, 'What will we eat?  What will we drink?  What will we wear?'  These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and He will give you everything you need."  Matthew 6:31-33

The Word tells us not to worry about these things.  He knows our needs, even before we tell Him.  All we need to do is continue to serve and worship Him.  He will provide our needs in His way and His timing. 

If you are dealing with these tough times, if your bills are piling up, if you are dealing with hours cut back, if unemployment has ran out, just keep on praising Him.  He will provide. 

Sweet Blessings~

Linking up with:
Brag On God Friday


  1. I won! Yea! I love these verses....I have clung to them on more than one occassion. He will provide us what we need to continue being stewards for His kingdom. Sometimes what we really need is way less than what we think :)

  2. Thanks Jen, a good and timely word.


  3. It's a challenge sometimes to keep praising in the storm...but so worth it!

  4. Congrats Allison! :) God is aware of what we need and He will provide. It may not be in the way we think, but He is faithful. We can be confident of that. Great encouragement for today!

  5. Yay Allison!!! I needed to hear this today, Jenifer! Thank you! It's been a rough day in the Evatt house, but we are clinging to Him, our provider!

  6. Hi Jenifer - this is so true. When times were tough for us, God made a way and when we look back we are humbled. I think God wants us to remember that stuff so when we feel in need, we remember what He has already done for us. thanks for the reminder and encouragement
    God bless

  7. Jenifer,

    I have clung to these verses so many times when I going through a period of unemployment, He came through and provided, even when I didn't always trust Him. Our God is a faithful God, even when I didn't think He was, it wasn't easy, and I went through ranges of emotion and He didn't come through according to my demands, but rather in His way and His time.

    Great Jenifer, blessings to you!


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