Life is so busy. We go through our daily schedules. We go through routines, sometimes on autopilot. Our mate demands our attention. Our children demand our attention. Life in general demands so much from us.
In the busyness of life, where is your time for God? When did you spend time in prayer and Bible reading? Where did you stop and look for His thumbprint in your day?
God wants to have time with you each and every day. He reveals Himself to us every single day, if we don't see it, it's because we are not looking for Him.
I firmly believe that when we carve out time for God and go to Him with a glad heart, not a reluctant heart or attitude, then He multiplies our time. Of course I don't mean that you will have a 28 hour day. But God helps you get the things done that you really need to get done. That may mean that you stop and read a story to your child instead of picking up dry cleaning. It may mean that you dance with your spouse instead of go to the gym. But God helps you accomplish all that needs to be done. He is the Author of time. When we give time to Him, He gives it back.
Today, carve out time to spend with your Father. That is something you will never regret.
Do you struggle with time management? So many of us often do. Whether you work at home, homeschool, have a job outside the home, or whatever your life is like, managing time can be tough. Lorrie Flem from Eternal Encouragement, gives great tips on how to manage your time in her mp3 download, 12 Time Saving Tips for Mom. If you struggle with disorganization, this is a great tool for you! If you are an organized person, but looking for new tips, this is for you, too! So, friends, go check it out now!
Sweet Blessings~

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I have said this sooo many times:
ReplyDelete"if we don't see it, it's because we are not looking for Him." that now I am in the habit of looking for HIM :)
Sounds like my wife could have written this! Enjoyed the post. God Bless!
ReplyDeleteEncouraging Thoughts for Life
Hi Jenifer - I so agree with you. The days that I start with time for God, those are the days I seem to get everything done. Think I'd learn right?! :)
ReplyDeleteGod bless
Going to read my Bible now. Best way to start the day!
ReplyDeleteTime management has not been a problem for me, probably because I've always been an organized person, I think that helps. Discipline on the other hand, I'm still working on in certain areas, areas that include those hideous things like treadmills and weight machines, ugh! ;)
ReplyDeleteTime with the Lord. . .love it!
"He reveals Himself to us every single day, if we don't see it, it's because we are not looking for Him." That's so true, Jenifer. We need to make time for Him and to listen to His promptings.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right, Jenifer, anybody can say that they are too busy for God. But, like you, I have found that God help me to accomplish so much more than I would have without taking that time for Him.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely evening.
Hugs, Cindy
Amen, so true.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to find time for God. I've been doing a study on the importance to find time for God, but finding the time to do it is hard :) Thanks for sharing your review!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder: "He is the Author of time. When we give time to Him, He gives it back."
ReplyDeleteSo true and far too often forgotten by me.