Yesterday I started reading The Five Love Languages of Children, by Dr. Gary Chapman. Dr. Chapman says, "You may truly love your child, but unless she feels it, she will not feel loved." We can deeply love our children but they need to feel that love. Saying "I love you" is very important but remember the saying actions speak louder than words.
The book talks about the love language of touch. This is definitely the language of my two youngest children. My little ones love to sit on my lap and have me rub their back. The also love to sit on daddy's lap and snuggle. This shows them how much we love them. They need touch.
My oldest two children love spending time with us. Even if it is just riding with us to run an errand. They enjoy getting one on one attention. Talking to us without having a sibling interrupt or having my attention go else where. This shows them we love them. They need quality time.
Each child needs all of the five love languages; physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, gifts and acts of service. But each child also has that one thing that really speaks volumes to them.
I deeply desire for my children to know how much I love them. I want them to grow up always knowing my love. Even if it takes extra individual time with them, rubbing backs when I'd really like some space, or listening when I've heard the story before. I want to leave them with a legacy of true love.
What is your child's love language?
I encourage to check out The Five Love Languages of Children and determine how your child sees love.
Sweet Blessings~

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Great book! :) My oldest child's love lanuguage is words of affirmation and my youngest love language is spending time with him. You are so right, it's important to do it now, even if we don't necessarily want to. This time goes by way to fast, we have to take advantage of it before we miss out.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is only two and I believe that her love language is definitely touch. She loves hugs, she loves snuggling. Sometimes she will come and simply rub my arm to show affection. It took some getting used to because I didn't grow up in a family that expressed love this way. We simply went off the fact that we knew but I wanted to change that beginning with my child. I hug her often, give her bunches of kisses, and tell her I love her.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great book. I believe that children do respond differently and have a specific love language.
ReplyDeleteI bet that book is great! I really needed to hear this today. Its hard sometimes loving our kids when they act "unloveable." This is a great reminder for me today when I feel frustrated or discouraged...:)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the book suggestion. I need to check that out!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great book... It's been years since I read it but I should again for my grandchildren's sake. Have a wonderful day!