In my children's Bible study that I do on Wednesdays I always ask the kids for prayer requests. Most of the requests the past three weeks have been safety at school, help with math, that they wouldn't get into fights at school, that they would read better, and that they would have a good school year. School is hard. I know for some -like my husband when he was a child- school was fun. They did well and enjoyed it. But school is different today than it was twenty years ago {man I feel old saying that number} or forty years ago. These days school is hard. There is peer pressure in elementary school. There are bad things going on in every grade. My best friend was telling me the other day that as they went to her 5th grader's back to school night that there were 6th grade girls in the school that were pregnant. Oh my! That saddens me more than I can say. I constantly hear about thing things kids are doing younger and younger. They are kids! They need to be kids!
So our kids need help with this horrific peer pressure, math, reading, and in general to have a good year. How can we help with that? How can we keep our kids safe? How can we help them in their studies?
Cover your children in prayer each and every day. Pray with them and pray for them in your quiet time. Lift your child to Heaven each day, they need it!
Each morning, whether you homeschool or your kids leave for school and no matter their age/grade, gather around the kitchen table for breakfast. I know mornings are rushed. Believe me I know! Do what you can to wake up a little early and fix breakfast for them. Even if it is cereal and toast, take the time for it. Sit with your kids for breakfast. Enjoy that time with them as the day starts. After everyone is done eating, stay seated and read the Bible. It doesn't have to be a lot of reading, just read one or two verses. Something they can meditate on before school. Pray together. Pray that your kids will be safe, stand up for their beliefs, and do well in their school work. If you fix your child's lunch, write out a scripture of encouragement or a short prayer and stick it in their lunch box. Then when your child comes home and has homework, pray with them before they start. A friend of mine is in nursing school and always says that she reads her Bible and prays before she starts her homework. That is a great idea for all ages! It also creates a good study habit.
Be sure your children know you are available. Be sure they know they can come to you and you will listen to them. So many kids are afraid to talk to their parents. Afraid of getting into trouble. Afraid of getting others into trouble. Be open and available for them. Really listen to their hearts. Offer wisdom and grace.
Two years ago God laid a burden on my heart to start a mom's prayer group. We would meet once a month and saturate our children in prayer. Do you have other mothers in your neighborhood or at your church that you could meet with once a week or once a month to cover all of your children in prayer?
Help your children have a great school year, that means some serious prayers are being lifted each day.
Do you have a prayer request as your child goes back to school? I would love to pray with you. Comment below with a request or email me at
Sweet Blessings~

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I am so glad I read this today. My daughter goes to high school now. She is 12 and I'm afraid. Through her ADHD she does impulsive things. Indeed prayer is so important. All these tips on your blog, I'm happy with them. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am very inspired by this post to write something like this on my blog...or use this as a guest post...because that has been a very huge burden to me here lately ..and my daughter is only FOUR!! I'm already worried about her innocence being lost the moment she walks into public school.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this post. I try to say an encouraging verse to my sons as they walk out the house to catch the bus every morning. But you have great advice here which I am going to implement as well. I pray the Lord gives me what I need, and to my husband too, in order to begin a routine of prayer before we do homework, since homework is a challenging time at my house every day : ) but praying before it begins will make a huge difference. Thanks again for everything! It is a very useful post. I'm visiting from Denise in Bloom. Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas, Jenifer, prayer is so very important, as is the word of God.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Cindy
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of Moms In Touch? They are local chapters of a nationwide (perhaps world wide) group of mothers who gather weekly to pray for their children. It is so important to pray for these children for as your post says, kids are subjected to more and more peer pressure.
Blessings to you and your family as you begin the school year.
This made me so sad to hear that a sixth grader was pregnant. All parents need to be covering their children in prayer. They need our help and Gods protection. Thank you for opening our eyes to this.