This week I am taking a blogging break to spend time with my family. Over the next few days I will be reposting some of the early blog posts from Sweet Blessings. Have a great week friends!
Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See
Originally posted August 5, 2010.
"I will set before my eyes no vile thing." Psalm 101:3
Oh be careful little eyes what you see. Oh be careful little eyes what you see. There's a Father up above and He's looking down in love, oh be careful little eyes what you see.
This song has been running through my head all week. We all know it. Be careful eyes what you see, ears what you hear, and feet where you go. God is above us watching everything we do. This song is a gentle reminder to be careful of the things we see, hear, say and the places we go.
Phillipians 4:8 says, "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -if there is anything excellent or praise worthy- think on these things." Are we watching movies or tv shows that are not pleasing to God? What about the music we listen to, is it encouraging and uplifting? Are we allowing things into our home and hearts that are hurtful to our spirit? TV, music, internet, and books are not bad if we are careful. But what we are looking at and listening to, is it God's ideal plan for us? The curse words on a comedy or seductive commericials, are they doing any good for our spirit? We need to pray and ask God to reveal to us the things in our lives that are not pleasing to Him. Then have a willing heart and remove those things. Let's focus on things that are excellent and praise worthy.
Sweet Blessings~

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