Be sure to enter the Sweet Blessings 2nd Birthday giveaway. Click HERE.
"Once there was a wheat farmer and his wife who had a young son. One day the son went out in the yard and later they couldn't find him. They searched everywhere but the wheat was much taller than the little boy. Frantically and as a last resort, they called the neighbors in to help. They all locked arms and walked out across the wheat field. Eventually they found the little boy but he had died of hypothermia. The mom and dad were heartbroken. When they were interviewed they said, 'We wish we had joined arm in arm with our neighbors earlier.'"Had they called the neighbors in from the start, they likely would have found the boy earlier and could have saved his life. In this life we always think we can do it alone. Independence is a good thing, we think. But the truth is, we need each other. We were not meant to do this life alone.
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity one who falls and has no one to pick him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Friends, we need to lean on each other. Are you hurting? Call on a friend, a family member or a church member. Ask them to pray with you. Ask them to talk to you. Ask them to lift you up.
Do you know someone who is hurting, someone who could be lifted up? Give them a call today or stop by and visit. Offer to help them with something or pray with them.
Let's join arm in arm with our brothers and sisters in Christ and lift each other up.

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Well said, Jenifer. Not sure why we (I) drag our feet sometimes when it comes to reaching out for help. Thanks for linking up, friend!
ReplyDeleteSo beautifully said. That is a heart-wrenching story. I just linked up a book giveaway here for two beautiful books by inspirational author Elizabeth Musser. THe theme in her story is about God weaving our lives as a tapestry, bringing us into each others lives for purpose etc. Your story reminded me of that too. :) Sweet blessings to you today!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenifer - this is such a touching post and so true. We need to reach out to those God provides for us to lean on.
ReplyDeleteGod bless
Hmm...this gives me pause. I do know people who are hurting and I need to link arms with them more often. And I also need to ask for help more often than I do. My stubborn independent spirit gets in the way sometimes.
ReplyDeleteJenifer, you are such a great encourager! What a sad story, but you brought out the best point... we need each other. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI know this response, I do - I often wait or hesitate to ask for help, even when I desperately need it. A powerful example.