It is almost time to reveal my new one word for 2013, but first I want to recap my one word for 2012. After much, much prayer one year ago, I knew God wanted me to work on living intentionally, living on purpose. So my word for 2012 was intentional.
God wants me to be intentional in my time with Him, my marriage, my children, my homemaking, and homeschooling.
Intentional in my time with God. Making my time with God more than just a 'check list item.' Making it passionate and deep. Not just reading and saying a short prayer but digging into the Word of God and talking with God {this includes listening to Him}. Committing to that time no matter what else is going on. It is time to intentionally live for God.
Intentional in my marriage. I don't want to just co-exist with my husband. I want to purposely date him, purposely pray for him, purposely help him and purposely showing him how much I love him on a daily basis. It is time to be intentional in my relationship with my husband.
Intentional in my children. It can be so easy for me to focus on myself, like reading my books and working {playing} on the computer. But my children are growing up so fast. They change daily. I don't want to miss a moment with them. After the horrible school shooting in Connecticut last month, I realized just how short life can be, even for our precious children. A month later and I still ache for mothers who cannot tuck their babies in at night, daddies who will not walk baby girls down the isle or teach sons to play ball. How can I let the time with my children pass by and not be intentional with them!? It is time to get intentional with my children.
Intentional in my homemaking. While I like to keep my home clean and organized, I can be a very forgetful person. If it is not written in black and white and put in a place I will very plainly see it, I will forget it. My husband asks me to make a call for him while he works, I forget. I plan to have a certain meal for dinner but forget to pull the meat out of the freezer. I make a list for the grocery store but forget to take it with me. It is time to be intentional in the caring of my home and family.
Intentional in homeschooling. I truly love homeschooling my kids and feel so blessed that I get to stay home with them. But there are days when it is so easy to say "let's just get done with today's school work" and not focus on really teaching them or connecting with them. My children's education depends on me. If I am being lazy, will they learn what they need for what God has planned for them? It is time to be intentional in homeschooling my children.
Have I 'arrived' in these areas? No. Do I still fail? Yes. But I am more aware of these areas than I was one year ago. I can see improvement and I can see how much I still need to improve. I am thankful that God gave this word to me a year ago and is working with me through His grace.
What was your 2012 word? Have you seen improvement in that area?
Be sure to watch for my new one word later this week!
Sweet Blessings~

My one word was completely. I wanted to completely trust God for whatever 2012 brought me and it brought a lot. Change was a constant in my life this past year...we married a daughter...graduated our youngest...which means no more homeschooling and an empty nest...we also moved ten hours from where we were living...middle daughter in a serious relationship, looking towards possibly another wedding next year. It was an emotional year and I clung to God the best I could...I failed at times, but He was always there. My word for next year in intentional. Now that all these changes have occurred, I need to be intentional in figuring out what God has in store for me personally.
ReplyDeleteI love your word! And I think God will give you the love and the strengh to do it. Let follow Him, in 2013/
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year, Jenifer! My word was Forward last year and felt the Lord moved me forward in many areas last year. Can't wait to see what next year holds.
ReplyDeleteMy word in 2012 was Pursue - to pursue God, pursue others and pursue health. It's an ongoing journey those three. Looking forward to reading about your One Word focus for this year.