Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Counting Your Many Blessings, Name Them One by One

974. Lunch with my mother and children.

975. Office time each at the church each week that allows me to accomplish much.

976. Sending my teenagers on a local mission's trip.

977. Having a youth group come from another part of the state to assist our church and community.

978. Gorgeous weather!

979. Windows open and sunshine.

980. Community outreach with my church family.

981. The incredible turn out to our outreach.  Can I just say that I am so proud of my church family and their service!?

982. My teenagers' youth pastors, and dear friends of ours.  They took time out of their work and lives to take my children' on their mission's trip and serve along side them.  They are truly servants.

983. Hearing stories of their mission's trip upon their return.

984. A chance to serve someone.

985. Spring decorations for my home.

986. Prayers from my sweet sisters.

987. The opportunity to pray for my sweet sisters.

What are you praising God for today?  Let's share in our praises with each other!  Comment below with five things you are thanking God for.

Linking with:
A Holy Experience

1 comment:

  1. 1) It's my birthday today :)
    2) I'm married to my best friend
    3) Christian liberty - freedom to worship
    4) A warm place to call home
    5) Clean drinking water

    Thanks, that was fun! - Lauren


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