
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Blessings Than I Deserve

To enter the Christmas Blessing Giveaway, click here.

Do you ever feel unworthy of God's blessings? Like you just don't deserve it? I do. I am just little ole me. I am not special or great. I am just me. Why would God choose to bless me? Why would God take time to smile on me?

Because of His great love.

God loves us so much. We are His treasures. He wants to bless us. He wants to shower His sweet blessings on us. Stop feeling unworthy. Stop feeling like you are nothing. You are His.

Continuing to count my blessings....

1320. His great love.

1321. The reminder day after day that He is with me.

1322. Little smiles from God when I see the clouds, sunset, or the smile of my child.

1323. The stillness of the morning when I meet with God.

1324. Surprising my husband with his Christmas gift early.

1325. A delicious homemade potpie from a friend.

1326. Thanksgiving with family.

1327. Cousins playing together.

1328. The parade and football.

1329. Delicious food prepared by loving hands.

1330. A quiet evening at home with my husband and children.

What are you praising God for today?

Linking with:
Titus Tuesday
Soli Deo Gloria
Teach Me Tuesday
Hear It On Sunday, Use It On Monday
Mama Notes
A Holy Experience 


  1. Hi Jenifer! I am your neighbor at SDG.

    It's always good to hear that we do not need to earn the blessings we receive from God. He is. And we are his children, and that makes us worthy. Pretty good deal!
    I hope you will continue to bask in his favor during the Advent Season. I am also loving quiet prayer...I need to do more of it!

  2. Dear Jennifer
    Oh, the greatest blessings we can ever receive are the spiritual blessings which are all ours as we abide in Jesus. His peace and joy and love etc. are beyond anything this world can offer!
    Blessings XX


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