
Friday, January 3, 2014

Introducing My One Word 2014

I began back in early December thinking of my One Word for 2014. This year was difficult for me. I just couldn't figure out what my word would be! The previous three years, when I began doing the One Word instead of New Year's resolutions, were easy for me. 2010, my first year picking a One Word, I didn't take it serious and really don't remember what my word was. 2011 I focused on being intentional, because of the previous year. 2012 I wanted to focus on making my heart look like the heart of Jesus. But what should I do for 2014?

Then suddenly I realized why I didn't know my word yet.

I hadn't prayed about it.

Each morning I have a quiet time with God. I read my Bible and I pray. Each day I have devotions with my kids. We read our devotional book and pray. We pray before meals. We pray before bed. We pray to thank God for things. And we pray to ask God for help.

But looking back over the latter part of 2013 I can see my prayer life dwindling. I still pray, but my quiet time prayers haven't been as passionate. Some days my quiet time lacks prayer at all. I've had such beautiful conversations with Jesus in the past. He talks while I listen, I talk while He listens, I cry, I raise my hands, I walk around, I kneel down, the prayer time is beautiful. But recent months have looked quite different. {That is hard for me to admit, but I want to be real here!}

After realizing that I hadn't prayed about my One Word and realizing that my prayer life needs to change for the better, I see God leading me to focus on prayer in 2014.

This new year I will pray. I will seek God in a new and passionate way. And when it feels too hard to pray, I will persevere.

Do not be anxious about anything,  but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; 
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. Psalm 145:18

I want to be close to God. I want to talk to Him and have Him talk to me. That is what prayer is!

I am so excited to see my prayer life grow over the next twelve months! What is your One Word or goals for 2014?

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  1. My one word for 2014 is trust - learning to trust God more, to lean on and seek refuge in Him through the difficulties, decisions, and joys of the coming year.

    1. That's a great word Tracey! Thanks for stopping in!

  2. My word is prepare. I started talking about it here: And I will continue to develop it over the next week. Hope you stop by and check it out.
    Happy New Year!

  3. "Pray" is my favorite one word! It was mine for 2012 AND 2013!! I'm much like you were with the dwindling and the lack of passion.
    I haven't physically written down my word or displayed it because it is something that needs to worked out deep down in me, but I don't hide it either. My word is "stability", especially when it comes to my emotions!
    Prayers for your praying life this year, sweet woman!!

    1. I love your word, stability! Thanks for stopping in friend!

  4. Thats a great One Word! I wish you 1000 talks with Him :-) You'll be blessed. My One Word is Joy.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, I love hearing from you.