
Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Blessings

There is a word, one small word, that sends wives running in the opposite direction. This word scares us and makes us think we are called to be quiet doormats for our husbands. However, this word is greatly misunderstood. What word am I talking about? Submissive. We are called to submit to our husbands, but what does it really mean? Join me at Woman to Woman as we find out the truth. Click HERE.

Continuing to count the ways God is blessing me...

1387. My youngest sweet boy. He celebrated his 11th birthday yesterday. He is a fun loving kid that makes us smile each day.

1388. Being the mother to 3 teenagers and 1 preteen. {I'm feeling nostalgic and a little old today. Smiles}

1389. My wonderful husband who took 5 boys, ages 3-14, to the movies all by himself for my son's birthday.

1390. My daughter becoming Student Council Vice-President for our homeschool program. I am so proud of her.

1391. The opportunity my husband and I have to work with 8 incredible young adults on the Student Council as the advisers.

1392. Hot honey tea.

1393. The encouragement of a dear sister friend when I was having a hard day.

1394. A day of beautiful spring-like weather in the middle of winter.

1395. The new things I stumble upon as I read through the Bible.

What are you praising God for today? Share in the comments and let's rejoice together!

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 

1 comment:

  1. It's so much fun raising teens, isn't it? I've been feeling old for a long time! Have a blessed week Jennifer!


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