
Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, More Blessings

Today at Woman to Woman we are talking about fresh starts for our marriages in the New year. Join me for five tips to setting successful goals in your marriage. Click HERE.

A couple of years ago, I was encouraged by the sweet Ann Voskamp, and her book 1000 Gifts,to count my blessings. Since then I have done exactly that here on this blog each Monday. In 2014 I will continue to count my blessings. God is so good and so worthy of our praises. It is hard to grumble about life when we are praising Him.

1338. A blessed 2013.

1339. A beautiful Christmas with my wonderful family.

1340. Seeing the joy on my children's faces as they enjoy Christmas.

1341. New Christmas jammies.

1342. Celebrating Jesus' birthday.

1343. My husband who celebrated his birthday this past weekend. I love him so much!

1344. A new year. A fresh start.

1345. A new One Word.

1346. The brand new book from Woman to Woman, Living Out Titus 2.  {Eek!!|}

What are you praising God for today? Comment below with your list of blessings. Let's praise God together!

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