
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Power In The Tongue

The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Proverbs 18:21

My husband and I have been talking about our words a lot recently. Three of our four kids play basketball right now. We go to our children's basketball games and cheer our teams on. We shout words of encouragement to our guys and girls playing. 

But sometimes things get rough. Sometimes a ref makes a really bad call. And sometimes our words become less encouraging and more coarse or gruff. Many times we have left feeling as though we should have watched our words more closely.

Just because things don't go our way, on or off the court, we need to watch our words. Whether the ref is making a ridiculous call, the car if front of us turned without a turn signal or the kids are just not listening, our words should always be uplifting.

Your words have power. Power to bring life and power to bring death. What are your words bringing?

Linking With:
Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday

Works for Me Wednesday
Winsome Wednesday
Wise Woman
Three Word Wednesday 


  1. Words are such powerful tools. It is amazing how sporting events can open our eyes to the reality of our mouths, and therefore our minds.


    1. Powerful tools indeed. God uses anything He can to open our eyes to learn His lessons. Thanks for stopping in Marissa!

  2. Jennifer.... that is my motto for the year...."Speak Life"... Our words matter... Have a great day! Blessings!

    1. Wonderful motto! Speak life, amen! I love that new song from Toby Mac, Speak Life. Great words. Thanks, Patty, for stopping in!

  3. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. I will choose life. Blessings!

  4. Barbie, I choose life too! Amen! Thanks for stopping in!

  5. I was drawn to this post as words are so very important and how easily they slip out before we think about what we are going to say. A number of years ago, I wrote a devotional for "Granola Bar Devotionals" called "A Toothpaste Lesson". It dovetails with this post and would like to give you a link to it, if I may: It is a great lesson for children as well as adults.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping in! Heading over to check out your article now...

  6. I was drawn to this post as words are so very important and how easily they slip out before we think about what we are going to say. A number of years ago, I wrote a devotional for "Granola Bar Devotionals" called "A Toothpaste Lesson". It dovetails with this post and would like to give you a link to it, if I may: It is a great lesson for children as well as adults.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  7. A needed reminder, Jenifer. I know that feeling at sporting events. My husband and I have also talked about how hard it is to watch our words. It's easy to get carried away and become one of THOSE parents ;)

    1. Yea, we've been those parents. LOL! Thanks for stopping in Eileen!


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