
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Recapping My One Word 2013

Happy New Year friends! I am so excited for this New Year. I believe God has big things this year and I am thrilled to watch them unfold. Before I introduce my One Word for 2014, let's recap my One Word for 2013.

For 2013 my One Word was heart. I wanted to have a heart that looked like Jesus. A hear that was continually seeking Jesus.

The song that inspired my One Word...

I want people to see me and see a heart that looks like Jesus.

So, how did I do with my One Word?

Good and bad.

There were times, as I look back over 2013, that I can see where I was growing in this area. But I also can see areas where I still need to grow.

When the car cuts me off in traffic, how did I respond? When the clerk at the grocery store was slow, how did I react? When my kids are in bad moods, what did I do? When I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, did I let it dictate my whole day? These areas are times when my heart should still reflect Jesus, but they don't always.

Life isn't always easy. Sometimes things are hard. Sometimes bad things come our way. What's important is how we react and respond to situations. Are we letting the light of Jesus shine through, even in the bad times?

As 2014 unfolds, I will continue to work on letting my heart reflect Jesus. I will strive for continued growth in this area.

How did you do with your One Word or resolutions for 2013? Did you stick to them? Did you grow in the areas you were focusing on?

*Join me tomorrow as I reveal my One Word for 2014!

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  1. "As 2014 unfolds, I will continue to work on letting my heart reflect Jesus. " A good goal and I don't think we ever go wrong when this is our focus!!

  2. "As 2014 unfolds, I will continue to work on letting my heart reflect Jesus. " A good goal and I don't think we ever go wrong when this is our focus!!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, I love hearing from you.