
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why I Believe In Marriage

We have big news over at Woman to Woman. Join me!


This post is part of the Happy Wives Club Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with hundreds of inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE!

In a world where marriage is throw away and divorce is common, I still believe in marriage. It's not easy. Marriage is hard. But it is worth it.

Marriage is like God handing you a best friend, accountability partner, prayer partner and lover all rolled into one for life. No matter what happens, at the end of the day you still have this best friend by your side. That is a precious gift from our Father! He gave us a lifelong partner.

Even though this gift of marriage is from God, it is not always easy. My husband and I have experienced serious financial struggles, serious health issues with a child, distrust, and lack of communication. These are all reasons the world validates you for divorce. 

But God.

Two small yet powerful words. But God. God can take those tests and turn them around to be a testimony. A testimony of love and grace. A testimony of three strands.

Though one may be overpowered.
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

When you place God at the center of the marriage, your marriage will not easily be broken. That is why I still believe in marriage, because with God at the center, all things are possible.

Fawn Weaver, the founder of the Happy Wives Club wrote a book about the best marriage secrets the world has to offer. They say the book is like “Eat, Pray, Love meets The 5 Love Languages.” I say the book is inspiring. You can grab a copy HERE.

Linking With:
Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday

Works for Me Wednesday
Winsome Wednesday
Wise Woman
Three Word Wednesday 


  1. Amen! Your visit to Being Woven led me here and I have been blessed. Yes, marriage is not always easy, but I, too, have my best friend, my prayer partner, accountability partner, and lover in my sweet precious life mate. We were 45 when we married...he had never been married and I had been divorced for 13 years. I met Jesus and my K already knew Jesus. We are under God's umbrella for K is under it and I am under K's. We are always learning and always loving because God gave us love and one another. Thanks for giving me these sweet thoughts to go to sleep on tonight.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Linda, thank you for stopping by. It sounds like you have a very blessed marriage. God bless


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