
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Time To Worship

One of my favorite things to do is worship the Lord. I love to sing praises to Him. Music is playing in our home about 75% of the time and music always plays in our car. Our family loves to worship.

The Bible tells us to sing praises to God. He is worthy of our praises.

When I am feeling down...worship music makes me feel close to God.
When I am lonely...worship music makes me feel close to God.
When I am hurting...worship music makes me feel close to God.
When I feel far from God...worship music makes me feel close to God.
When I am feeling stressed...worship music makes me feel close to God.
When I want to rejoice...worship music makes me feel close to God.

Singing praises to God is like bringing Heaven down.

Here are a few of my favorite worship songs that always touch me.

What worship song always moves you to the throne of God?

Linking With:
Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday

Winsome Wednesday
Wise Woman


  1. I absolutely love "I Can Only Imagine" and "How Can I Keep from Singing?" I get the chills just thinking about them!

  2. I love to worship too. I have Christian music playing all day while I work and there are often times when a song comes on and I know I need to close my door and take those few minutes to worship Him. It always leaves me refreshed. Thanks for sharing a few of your favorites. Sorry I have not been by in awhile but it was nice to find my way here today! Blessings.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, I love hearing from you.