
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feeling Blessed Beyond Measure

Yesterday was a busy day and I didn't get to count my blessings. But I never want to get out of the habit so today let's count the ways God is blessing us. Comment in the section below sharing your own list of blessings. It is such a wonderful habit to praise God for all He does, little and big.

1416. A beautiful birthday weekend.

1417. Many birthday kisses from my husband.

1418. Many birthday wishes from my family and friends.

1419. The incredibly wonderful guys on the basketball team we are associated with who brought me to center court, knelt on one knee and sang Happy Birthday to me. So sweet!

1420. The last basketball game of the season. It has been such a wonderful season and we have come to know some amazing people. But now we get to look forward to baseball, my favorite!

1421. A young man at church encouraging my husband right when he needed it.

1422. Relaxing on Sunday evening.

1423. Enjoying late nights playing video games with my husband.

1424. Worship music that blesses me more than I can say.

What are you praising God for today?

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 

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