
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

God and Me

As parents, one of the most important things we can teach our kids is how to have devotions. We need to help them understand the importance of spending time with Jesus each day and how to do it. If your child develops the passion for daily devotions now, it is something they will carry into their teen years and adulthood.

Each morning before school, the kids and I sit around our dining table and have family devotions. I love this time of reading the Bible and praying together. I am often on the hunt for new devotionals for our time.

Here is our current devotional:

  • One year of short devotions, Scripture, and prayers help introduce a relationship with God to young heart
  • Full of bright colors and photographs of children
God and Me is a wonderful devotional the the kids love. Each day gives a Scripture to read, a short devotional that they understand and a prayer suggestion. It's a great tool for family devotions.

While God and Me is geared toward ages 4-7, it is a great start for older kids as well. We read through the devotion for the day, then with my older kids we discuss a bit more in depth.

One blessed reader will will the God and Me devotional. To enter to won, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This would be so good to start with my kids so I'm entering lol -mandy

    1. They have never said they've felt God but Abbie has many times encouraged me at just the right time which is so God.

  2. They have never said they felt or seen Him but Isaac has said Jesus healed his knees, and everytime one of them gets hurt, they say "pray for me mom". So they know He is there for them! Would really LOVE to win this!!!!

  3. Once my son had just received a birthday balloon. He took it outside where the wind immediately carried it off. He was so sad and all three kids prayed several times for God to help them find it. But it was gone. About a week later they were playing outside and came running into the house screaming "Jesus blew it back, Jesus blew it back!!!!!!!!!" And there in my sons hands was his birthday balloon, still inflated and in perfect condition. <3

    1. Oh that is so precious! Thanks for stopping in Janice!

  4. My children have never said they've seen or felt God. But, they do ask about Heaven and tell me it will be so nice there! =) I think children know something about God and Heaven that we forget as we become adults. "For such is the Kingdom of Heaven." =)

    1. Sarah, I much agree! We must become like children!

  5. I wish I could, but my son is only 6 months old :)


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