
Monday, February 10, 2014

He Knows Me

Today I am at Woman to Woman Ministries talking about what love really is. Come discover love this Valentine's Day. Click here.

Continuing to praise God for His blessings...

1406. My three older children having the opportunity to attend the Acquire the Fire youth conference with their youth group this weekend.

1407. Having the whole weekend for my husband and I to spend quality one on one (well two on one) time with our youngest son. We ate his favorite foods and played his favorite games. I will always cherish this time with him.

1408. My youngest snuggling close to me on the couch as we watch the Winter Olympics.

1409. Sunday evening fellowship with my church family.

1410. The reminder that God knows me.

What are you praising God for today?

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 


  1. I have so much to praise God for.... Another day of life even though I am sick with sore throat and cold... Great Bible study group on Friday nights... Safety and shelter from all this cold frigid snowy weather.... For two young women who are another day clean from drugs and seeking God for strength to get through...For a husband who is dedicated to work so I can stay home and minister as God leads...that his job is a "ministry related" job even though it is very difficult for him at times... I could go on and on.. Thanks you Jenifer for reminding me to take time to count my blessings and Praise the Lord today! Blessings!

  2. My beautiful family, food on the table, a roof over our heads, and, most of all, His grace

  3. This song, gets me every time. Have a beautiful week.

  4. Each morning I wake up with the temptation to be miserable. Sometimes the weight of life greets me at first waking. But I have change my mind set. I immediately being praising the Lord for one more day to love him, worship him and lift up his name.

    1. We all battle with that from time to time I think. It is a daily choice to praise Him. Thanks for stopping in Tammy!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, I love hearing from you.