
Monday, March 31, 2014

Counting My Blessings

Your husband is the spiritual leader in your home. Whether you like the way he leads or not, he is. Whether you think he is 'spiritual enough' or not, he is still the leader. How can we encourage, without nagging, our husband to be the spiritual leader God called him to be? Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries as we discuss the Spiritual Leader in the home.

Continuing to count the ways our great Lord has blessed me...

1461. My husband's dedication to our ministry at church.

1462. Baseball season beginning. It's only practice so far, but I love it!

1463. A weekend of kid's crusade at our church. Ministering to our kids and so much fun!

1464. God's hand on my sister as she had a medical scare.

1465. Beautiful touches from Jesus throughout the day.

What are you praising God for today?

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 

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