
Monday, March 24, 2014

God's Not Dead and Serving

Marriage is made up of two humans with their own ideas and thoughts. But we need to be on the same page as our spouse. Join me at Woman to Woman as we discuss Being On The Same Page As Our Mate.

Continuing to count the ways God is blessing me....

1451. Friday night adult night out with my church.

1452. Seeing God's Not Dead with my church in a packed theater.

1453. Hearing of God's Not Dead selling out all over America. If you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT!

1454. Dinner out with church friends. We took over Ihop and had a blast!

1455. Taking a large group of homeschooling teens to a nursing home and seeing them interact with the residents.

1456. Having an eleven year old preach in children's church. We believe in 'training up the child.'

1457. Two members of my church family showing an outward expression of an inward change through water baptism!

1458. Two of my teens going with their youth group to serve a church and community in another town.

1459. Safe travels for our teens and youth group.

1460. A Sunday nap and relaxing evening.

What are you praising God for today?

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 

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