Each August excitement builds as we receive our school books for the new school year. We follow up by going to the store to purchase new pencils, notebooks and any other items we will need for the school year. I spend weeks pouring over lesson plans and creating a daily schedule that will work perfectly with our family.
The year goes well. We have some bumps along the way, but nothing too drastic. We follow our well thought out schedule and stick to our lesson plans. We live homeschooling intentionally.
Then our three week Christmas break comes.
It is hard to get back into the routine. Those days off of cuddling, movie watching, baking, putting puzzles together, playing and relaxing are hard to give up. I wonder if we will ever get back on track with homeschooling. But we try. Our schedule becomes a little more laid back the second semester. But we finally fall into a comfortable routine. And it works. We still have bumps along the way, but as with anything, that is to be expected. We are human after all.
Then someone questions my ability to teach my children.
I begin to think what am I doing? Can I really teach my kids? Am I failing them? Oh I just want to get through the year. Can't we be done already!? I stop homeschooling intentionally and start homneschooling just to get done.
Isn't it that way in all things? We get tired of witnessing to the co-worker who just ignores us. We get tired of inviting our relative to church over and over to only be shot down once again. We get tired of teaching the same lesson to our child over and over and over and them continuing in the same disobedience. We get tired of trying so hard for things to only be undone.
Friend, don't give up. Live intentionally. Persevere.
God didn't bring you to this place to leave you in a desert. He is right beside you. Draw strength from the Father. No matter what you are facing, don't give up. With God you can do all things.

Linking with:
Soli Deo Gloria
Titus Tuesdays
The year goes well. We have some bumps along the way, but nothing too drastic. We follow our well thought out schedule and stick to our lesson plans. We live homeschooling intentionally.
Then our three week Christmas break comes.
It is hard to get back into the routine. Those days off of cuddling, movie watching, baking, putting puzzles together, playing and relaxing are hard to give up. I wonder if we will ever get back on track with homeschooling. But we try. Our schedule becomes a little more laid back the second semester. But we finally fall into a comfortable routine. And it works. We still have bumps along the way, but as with anything, that is to be expected. We are human after all.
Then someone questions my ability to teach my children.
I begin to think what am I doing? Can I really teach my kids? Am I failing them? Oh I just want to get through the year. Can't we be done already!? I stop homeschooling intentionally and start homneschooling just to get done.
Isn't it that way in all things? We get tired of witnessing to the co-worker who just ignores us. We get tired of inviting our relative to church over and over to only be shot down once again. We get tired of teaching the same lesson to our child over and over and over and them continuing in the same disobedience. We get tired of trying so hard for things to only be undone.
Friend, don't give up. Live intentionally. Persevere.
...And let us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us.
Hebrews 12:1
God didn't bring you to this place to leave you in a desert. He is right beside you. Draw strength from the Father. No matter what you are facing, don't give up. With God you can do all things.

Linking with:
Soli Deo Gloria
Titus Tuesdays
I needed that today! Great encouragement, thanks for posting!!
ReplyDeleteAmen Jenifer!!!! I know just how that feels.. I am have been invited to lead two new BIbles studies...The enemy continuallly attacks me... You are to bold.... They will get tired of you.. You are not that good at his... From one extreme to the other... I have to remember "who I am in Christ!" Makes a big difference.. I need this today! I will say one of my greatest regrets is not homeschooling my children.... They are all grown and gone.. YOU GO GIRL!!! Keep teaching them truth along with education.. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteIt's so easy to fall into these places where I do things just because they need to be done (or I think they need to be done) instead of really thinking about what matters, what counts, what God would have me do. This is a beautiful reminder to live well.