
Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Praises

Marriages are under attack. The enemy will use anything; from addictions to finances, from health to other people. He uses anything and everything to destroy your marriage.

But union gives strength. Union of God, husband, wife. To read more, join me at Woman to Woman as we discuss Three Strands.

Continuing to count my blessings....

1466. A week of having one of my very best friends in town for a visit.

1467. Our families getting together and having fun.

1468. Going to the Thrive Tour with my friend to see For King And Country, Laura Story and Casting Crowns. If you have the chance to go to this concert, GO! It is more like a worship service than a concert and I could go on and on about the things I loved.

1469. The chance to worship along side my friend.

1470. Getting time to talk with one another.

What are you praising God for today?

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 

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