
Monday, April 28, 2014

More Monday Blessings

One day your mate will struggle with something and will be broken. And one day you will struggle with something and you will be broken. How can we make a marriage work when we are broken? To find out how, join me at Woman to Woman.

Continuing to count my blessings...

1489. Seeing my husband serve others the way God wants us to.

1490. My daughter getting a superior with invitation rating at the Fine Arts Festival, which means she gets to taker her photography to Nationals. I am so proud of her.

1491. Sitting with a friend and the family as he loses his battle with cancer. While we will miss him greatly, he will be singing with Jesus, what better wish could we have for him?

1492. God breaking my heart for what breaks His.

1493. Knowing that I can leave the pain at the foot of the cross. God knows and God cares.

What are your blessings? Share with us in the comments!

Linking with:
A Holy Experience 

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