
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

You're Going To Be Okay

My husband and I have been married 17 years. Sometimes we still struggle financially. Sometimes I wonder if it's ever going to end. Sometimes I feel like we will forever be defined by our financial struggle.

My oldest child is 16. Sometimes I still struggle as a mom. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get the hang of motherhood. Sometimes I feel like I will forever be defined by my struggles as a mom.

These are situations I go through. But they are not who I am. God doesn't look down from Heaven and say, "There's the one who struggles with finances and still hasn't grasped this motherhood thing correctly." No. He looks on me and says, "There's my daughter. She is Mine and I love her." 

God has a purpose and a plan for your life. Just because you are tired, stressed, dealing with financial problems, dealing with relationship problems, or dealing with health issues, doesn't mean God has forgotten you or your purpose. He still sees you for who you are and loves you dearly.

You're going to be okay. #Encouragement #truth
Holley Gerth says in her book, 
You're Going to Be Okay: Encouraging Truth Your Heart Needs to Hear, Especially on the Hard Days, "God's purpose for you will prevail. In all of history, no person has ever been able to thwart God's ultimate plan."

You are not your struggles. You are God's treasure who happens to be struggling with something right now. Stop defining yourself by what you are going through and start seeing yourself as a child of God.

To purchase a copy of Holley's book go here 
You're Going to Be Okay: Encouraging Truth Your Heart Needs to Hear, Especially on the Hard Days

To win a copy, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.


  1. I'm so thankful I can give my struggles to Him, and see myself the way He sees me. Thank you for hosting the giveaway. This book sounds like a must read. :)

  2. I would ;love to have this book too.. I am so happy we are defined by who we are in him... not who we are by the world.. I would be so in trouble.. lol.. Thanks and blessings!


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