My four children came from the exact same two parents; my husband and I. Yet they are all four so very different. We have my very outgoing drummer daughter, my cowboy son, my quiet always-has-her-nose-in-a-book girly daughter and my wild and free son. Their personalities are different. Their likes are different. Their temperaments are different. All around these kids are total opposites of each other. Yet I love every single thing about them.
My husband and I have prayed about adoption. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if God has us adopt, I will love that child every bit as much as I love my other four, even though the child would not have come from my body. I know many adoptive parents who love their children just as though they had given them life.
We love our children. We love who they are. We love their differences. We love them all the same.
I think God gives parents a heart that grows with each child. A parent's love is a beautiful, unlimited thing.
The adorable new children's book I Love You All The Same is the perfect explanation of loving our different children the same. Mama and Papa Bear have a polar bear, brown bear and panda bear. Three very different bears, but love each one equally. This book is a cute way for moms and dads to show their children they love them all the same and even to help when a new sibling comes into the family. Check out I Love You All The Same.
To enter to win a copy, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.
My husband and I have prayed about adoption. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if God has us adopt, I will love that child every bit as much as I love my other four, even though the child would not have come from my body. I know many adoptive parents who love their children just as though they had given them life.
We love our children. We love who they are. We love their differences. We love them all the same.
I think God gives parents a heart that grows with each child. A parent's love is a beautiful, unlimited thing.
The adorable new children's book I Love You All The Same is the perfect explanation of loving our different children the same. Mama and Papa Bear have a polar bear, brown bear and panda bear. Three very different bears, but love each one equally. This book is a cute way for moms and dads to show their children they love them all the same and even to help when a new sibling comes into the family. Check out I Love You All The Same.
To enter to win a copy, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

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