Sitting in my chair.
Feet on the ottoman.
Fuzzy blanket wrapped around me.
Glass of sweet tea or pepsi beside me.
Husband across the room reclined in his chair.
Quiet laughter floating through the air from my children.
This is peace to me.
Lamp lit.
House quiet and still.
Everything locked up.
Children tucked safely in bed.
Lying in bed with a good book in hand.
Husband lying next to me, our feet touching.
This is also peace to me.
The beach.
This is definitely peace to me.
I've been studying the Fruits of the Spirit with She Reads Truth. Yesterday was the fruit of peace. When I opened my study packet and my app and saw that day 4 was peace, I chuckled. God has really been dealing with me about this. I should have known He would give me another reminder. He's so awesome like that.
I deeply crave peace. I think we all probably feel that way sometimes. Among the running around of children's sports, music lessons, homeschooling, church activities, caring for infants and the many other hats we wear, we want peace.
Our sons used to have the same baseball season. Which made for a very busy June, but we loved it. However, now that our older son plays high school baseball and our younger son is still playing summer rec ball, the seasons are separate. Yet, for a couple of weeks one son's games overlap with the other son's practices. Then throw in our daughter's last couple volleyball games and now needing to wake up about 30 minutes earlier each day. It has made for a very exhausting past three weeks.
I've been craving peace. To the point of tears. I cry out to the Father to just give me peace for a moment.
He gently nudges my heart and reminds me that peace doesn't come from sitting down. Nor does it come from candles or quiet. Peace comes from Him.
Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27
True peace comes from the Father. He gives peace in a way that scented candles never could. He gives peace in a way even the beach cannot give. He fills our hearts with peace in a way that only He can, no other human could bring us this peace. His peace is there even in times of trouble, and yes, in times of busyness. His peace passes all understanding and calms our troubled soul.
Whatever you are facing, whatever trials, troubles or busyness, call out to God. Take a deep breath and breathe in His peace. Let it settle in your soul and calm you, even amidst the chaos.

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