
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

His Love is So Great {Giveaway}

Can I just tell you I am so thankful that God's love never gives up? Sometimes I think I 'get it' only to mess up again and again. I think I finally understand what it means to live by faith, only to have my faith falter, again. I know the importance of spending time with God each day, but from time to time, I still mess up there too.

Any other friend would have likely already walked out on me. But God's love is so great that it never gives up. He loves us even when we mess up. He loves us knowing we will mess up.

Did you mess up this week or even already today? It's okay. God still loves you. Confess your goof up to Him and let Him love on you.

I Love You Even When is an adorable book relaying the message that love should be unconditional. Through rights and wrong, good and bad, we love each other. No matter how different you are from another, or how similar, we love each other. Love is unconditional and beautiful.

To enter to win a copy of I Love You Even When complete each task in the rafflecopter below.


  1. Too bad Im' Canadian and non US

  2. Thank you for the sweet remarks about my book! I had such a wonderful time writing this story. Having five grandchildren who are very active and sometimes do things they shouldn't is one reason I wrote it, God bless you! Donna Keith


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