Our family loves Christmas and we love reading. So Christmas books are always a must. Today I want to share a few Christmas books that your children will love.
The Legend of the Christmas Cookie is the heartfelt story of a young boy who he misses his daddy. Afraid he won't see his dad for Christmas, his mom tells him the story of the Christmas cookie. This book even includes a delicious cookie recipe for your family to try.
My Christmas Stocking tells the story of Saint Nicolas and how he filled stockings to give to children so long ago. This is the book my 18 month old nephew always goes to because he likes the stocking shape of the books.
The Berenstain Bears The Very First Christmas is a family favorite for us. We love the Bear family and all of their stories. This one is no different. Papa Bear shares the Bible story of Jesus' birth with his cubs. The end of this book gives discussion questions to get your family talking.
The Beginner's Bible A Christmas Celebration is a fun activity and sticker book your child will love. They will learn about the Christmas story while being interactive.
Goodnight, Manger is the precious story of Jesus' birth, noisy animals and all. Sometimes Mary even had to say, "Shh!" Your child will love this story.
Each of these books would make a great stocking stuffer or Christmas gift or even just a great way to build up your family's Christmas library. What is your family's favorite Christmas books?

Those all look like great books. I think my kids and I would like the Berenstain Bears one the best. We just recently read their Thanksgiving one.