Over the past year and a half, I've realized that I've gotten very lazy about taking care of myself. Now, I still am very serious about personal hygiene. That's not what this is about. Growing up my mom taught us to get up and ready for your day every day no matter what. Even if you are staying home all day, you still get ready. You just never know when you may need to leave the house or who may pop over to visit. And even more important, you feel better when you are 'put together.' So my whole life I got up, showered, hair done, makeup done and dressed for my day first thing in the morning.
Until a year and a half ago.
I homeschool my kids, I clean my house every day, and I babysit 3 babies under the age of 18 months. So I am constantly moving, getting on the floor, etc. I realized that being on the floor with the little babies was too hard wearing jeans and a nice shirt. So I resorted to sweats and yoga pants. Ah the comfort! About the same time, my husband was temporarily out of work and I was trying to be frugal with my makeup, so I only wore makeup when I was leaving the house. Laziness set in. Year and a half later, I shower, throw on the most comfortable clothing I can find, which is never a flattering look, and I am done. I've realized that most days I feel pretty 'blah' about myself.
It's not just about my appearance. I've gotten lazy with how I take care of myself health-wise too. I struggle with acid reflux. I am supposed to take a daily over the counter pill to help. And it mostly does help. But I go weeks, even months, without taking it. Man, do I pay for it at night when I am trying to sleep. I've quit taking my regular multi vitamins. I know there is a good balance when it comes to sweets, yet I don't seem to follow that balance at all. I am just not taking care of myself the way I should.
So my One Word for 2016?
So my One Word for 2016?
I know my One Word may seem selfish. I struggled with that thought myself. But the truth is, it's not! I want to be around for my family for a very long time. I want to be able to do the things God has called me to do. Yet if I don't take care of myself, I won't be. It's okay, even good, to focus on ourselves.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God?
You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Ladies, we have to take care of ourselves. We have to take care of our bodies. We need to eat right following the rule of moderation. We need to move every day. We need to take medications and vitamins that our doctors prescribe to us. We need to get sleep and have down time. We need those things so that we are healthy enough to take care of our family and do the ministry God calls us to. And ladies, it's not selfish or conceited to take care of your appearance. We should desire to look nice for our husband. We should never feel guilty about buying new socks or undergarments when we need them -yes, I felt the guilt too. Think of it more as an investment than a selfish purchase.
So, what am I doing with my One Word for 2016? I am going to take care of me! My action plan?
- Continue to drink 80-100 ounces of water every single day. I feel better when I drink water and my body needs it to function properly.
- Take my multi vitamin and acid reflux medication every day, without fail.
- Try to remember the rules of moderation when it comes to sweets and soda. Try not to go overboard.
- Dress every day in more than yoga pants or sweats. I contacted a beautiful friend, Cyndi from Grace & Beauty, who is a fashion blogger. I explained my daily routine with a great need for comfort, and asked her opinion. She directed me to leggings and tunics. (Please remember: leggings are not pants. Do not wear them with short shirts. Keep your rear covered!) I went out and bought a few things. The leggings and tunics are super comfortable, attractive and the first time I wore them, my hubby loved it!
- Do my makeup each day. When I have makeup on, I feel like a woman. I feel better. If you have never worn makeup and prefer a natural look, good for you! That is perfectly okay! My skin does not allow me to do this.
- Take care of my spiritual self too. I will continue to have my quiet time each morning and my afternoon quiet time. January 1st, I began the She Reads Truth Bible study, Open Your Bible.
This is by no means a weight loss journey. I don't care about weight, but I do want to be healthy. And I am most certainly not a fashion blogger. I often ask my 17 year old how something looks and still send pictures to my sister asking her if something goes together. I may from time to time post an #ootd, but you won't be getting fashion advice from me! This is bigger than weight loss and fashion. It's taking care of myself so I can take care of others.

Good word! That was my personal word in 2014. It's incredible what God began in that season that set 2015 up to be so successful and sweeter for me personally but it really effected my husband and kids as well. I pray it's the same for you! -Courtney
ReplyDeleteMy word is different but my goal the same. I chose 'temple' and am using the same verse as my theme for the year! My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I need to care for it inside and out. I'm due with my first in March and I want to teach her by example what it means to be a woman. To seek G-d, to care for my body, and to be a loving wife and mother while not neglecting the things I need to do to still be me (a shower by myself, a cup of tea, five minutes alone). I just wrote it up over on my blog the other day. I'd love for you to check it out. Madwoman427.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteMy word is different but my goal the same. I chose 'temple' and am using the same verse as my theme for the year! My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I need to care for it inside and out. I'm due with my first in March and I want to teach her by example what it means to be a woman. To seek G-d, to care for my body, and to be a loving wife and mother while not neglecting the things I need to do to still be me (a shower by myself, a cup of tea, five minutes alone). I just wrote it up over on my blog the other day. I'd love for you to check it out. Madwoman427.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI LOVE THIS!! We are told (a lot) that it is selfish to think of yourself, and it's not. *I* need to remember this too. I think the husband would appreciate it ;) My 'one word' is more of a phrase. It is "Don't wish. Do." I'm so tired of wishing for things to happen. In 2016, I'm doing my best to make it happen. :0 <3
ReplyDeleteYour outfit is cute! That's great that you figured out what you need to do for yourself to also improve things for your family. My resolution is to talk less, so it will give my family a break.