Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...
1930. My sweet first born baby who celebrates her 18th birthday today. I have an adult child! When did this happen!?
1931. My niece who celebrated her 23rd birthday last week.
1932. My nephew who celebrated his 9th birthday last week.
1933. A leadership meeting with our leaders from church as we plan the year for our church and community.
1934. The reminder that when life is hard, press on and let God breath life into me.
What are you praising God for? I love rejoicing with you. Please comment below.

Praising God for refining me during the past 2 1/2 years. Praising Him for sending His son so that I could be forgiven of my sins. Praising God for bringing my husband into my life, & beginning a restoration in our marriage. Praising Him for never leaving or forsaking me. Thank you Lord for another day in your magnificent world to shine Your light for all to see!