
Monday, April 25, 2016

Clouds & a Princess Cowgirl

As wives, we want our husband to make romantic gestures and plan dates. Then when he fails to do so, we get mad. Today at Woman to Woman, we are talking about being the first one. Join me by clicking HERE.

#eucharisteo, #joydare, #thanksgiving, #thankfulness, #1000gifts,

Continuing to count God's sweet blessings...

1985. Our new church discipleship class for married couples. There was a ton of laughter, but we are also learning valuable lessons.

1986. A much needed Sunday nap.

1987. Much needed encouragement from a dear friend at just the right time.

1988. My beautiful red-headed cowgirl princess niece who celebrates her 1st birthday this week.

1989. Clouds. In case you didn't know, I have a fascination with clouds. Last night on our drive home from church, there were beautiful clouds above us.

What are you praising God for? I love rejoicing with you. Please comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your niece! I'm celebrating subbing in the classroom next to my son for 4 days last week!


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