
Monday, May 30, 2016

Wise Guys

Mentorship is very important to me. It is important to have a mentor, someone who is farther down the road we are taking and can give us words of wisdom and pray for us. It is important to be a mentor to someone not yet as far as we are on the road and give them words of wisdom and pray for them. Mentorship is vital in every aspect of life, marriage, parenting, and our spiritual walk.

God doesn't bring us to this life then leave us to our own devices. No. He gives us some great helps. One, is Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit leads and guides us. Second is His Word. The Bible is our GPS, our instruction manual. And third is those who have walked before us, who have already experienced things and can share their own experiences and walk beside us.

In his new book, Wise Guys: Unlocking Hidden Wisdom From the Men Around You, Kent Evans takes you on a journey through real life stories and humor. Kent shares about becoming a Christian, marriage and fatherhood. My favorite thing about this book is that it is by a real man sharing real stories and giving real encouragement.

Mentorship is vital. Wise Guys by Kent Evans is a book about mentorship for men. #mentorship #wiseguys #flyby #giveaway

Wise Guys: Unlocking Hidden Wisdom From the Men Around You is the perfect book for the men in your life, including your teenage boys. But it's also a great read for women.

Today we are giving away a copy of Wise Guys: Unlocking Hidden Wisdom From the Men Around You. To enter to win, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

1 comment:

  1. Neither my husband nor I have mentors, I think they are great but have never really found one.


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