
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Beautiful You {Giveaway}

Everywhere our daughters look, the world is telling them that they need to be better. Magazines, tv, movies, books, radio, it is literally everywhere. They are told they aren't thin enough, don't have the right hair, don't have the right chest size or waist size, don't dress right, should be more feminine, should be more sporty, should wear more makeup, the list is endless. Our girls, our beautiful girls are made to feel like they just aren't good enough.

What they hear, see and are made to feel, that isn't truth. The truth is that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. They were made by the loving hands of the Creator of the entire universe.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
marvelous are Your words, and that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:14

Our girls need to understand that they are beautiful exactly as they are. They are enough exactly as they are. They don't have to change who they are or what they look like. God created them, loves them and wants them. Sometimes us moms need to remember this too. It's time we accept ourselves and help our girls accept who they are.

The brand new Brave Girls Beautiful You Devotional helps tween and teen girls appreciate themselves and who God made them to be. Whether they are shy or outgoing, a tomboy or girly girl, silly or serious, tall, short, light skin or dark, God made them exactly the way they are.

Review and giveaway of Brave Girls Beautiful You 90 day devotional for tween and teen girls. #bravegirls #beautifulyou #tommymommy

With 90 days of Scripture, a devotion and a prayer pointer, the brave girls Gracie, Hope and Glory will help your daughter come to love herself just as God does. This devotional is perfect for any tween or teen girl and is great for your girl to do alone or to do mother and daughter together.

To enter to win  Brave Girls Beautiful You Devotional, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

1 comment:

  1. Each young lady needs to know that GOD loves them just as He made them.


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