This is the day the Lord has made
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Have you thanked God for today yet? Have you opened your eyes to this gift He gave you? Thank Him. Praise Him. Be glad in Him.
Psalm, one of the most comforting books of the Bible. Whenever I have extra time to read or I just need some uplifting, I turn to Psalm. The Psalms aren't just for adults. Snuggle Time Psalms, an adorable new board book, is the perfect way to introduce your child to the beauty of this book of the Bible. Beginning with 'Bedtime Peace' and ending with "Wonderful Me!' this collection of fifteen bedtime poems enables your young ones to discover exactly who holds them in His arms, leads them as a Shepherd leads, created them just as they are, and cherishes them with a love that never ends. So check out Snuggle Time Psalms for your little one.

Thanks for the picture with the verse - I pinned it. I like Psalms too, in fact it's my nightly devotional book right now. That looks like a really cute book for kids. I'm sure my son would like it.