We are taught over and over again to be in control of our future, to pave our own path, and to be independent. Yet that thinking is all wrong. In Psalm 31:14, David reminds us to trust in God and Luke 22:42 tells us to pray not our will but His will.
Today we are giving away all 3 of the studies pictured above, Giving God Your Future, Praying with Power and Building Your Strengths. To enter to win, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord;
I say, "You are my God.
Psalm 31:14
Not my will, but Yours, be done.
Luke 22:42
My husband and I have been called to ministry. We currently serve as associate pastors and children's pastors. We serve these ministry positions as full time service, part time pay. {All of you in ministry completely get what I am saying!} My husband works a full time job outside of church. But we know that God has called us to full time ministry in the future. That is exciting, yet it is also terrifying. My husband's job has great insurance and benefits. Ministry doesn't always come with that. I find myself wondering what the future will hold when it is time for this season. I know that when it is God's timing and path, He will work it all out, but sometimes it's hard to hand it over to Him.
My 4 kids are growing so fast. I want to tell them what to do. Go to this college, take these courses, get this job, save this money, invest in these relationships. Yet I have to sit back and trust God with their future. I have to trust that He has a big plan for them and that we have raised them to seek that plan. His plan may not line up with their plan or even with my plan for them. But His plan is better than theirs or mine ever could be.
In her Women of Faith 12 lesson study Giving God Your Future, Thelma Wells compares this trust to a backseat driver. We all know one, some of us may be one. From a passenger seat we want to tell the driver where to go, how to drive and even when to brake. We have a hard time letting the driver lead. I think sometimes we practically put a hole in the floor board trying to "brake" from the passenger seat. The passenger needs to be just that, the passenger and let the driver lead.
We need to be the person and let God be God. We need to stop trying to dictate Him, criticize Him or tell Him what is best and simply trust.
Are you struggling with trusting God for your future? Maybe you are struggling to trust Him with your present? Remember that God has the very best for you. Trust Him.
Women of Faith has some incredible 12 lesson studies like Giving God Your Future, Praying with Power and Building Your Strengths. These books have great devotions and encouragement from Women of Faith gals like Thelma Wells and Pasty Clairmont. After each devotions there are questions to get enrich your time. These studies are great for individual use and group studies.
Today we are giving away all 3 of the studies pictured above, Giving God Your Future, Praying with Power and Building Your Strengths. To enter to win, complete each task in the rafflecopter below.

I do - I'm always willing to pray about my future, but then rather than leaving it in God's hands, I keep trying to "help!"
ReplyDeleteSometimes I do! Sometimes I don't want to wait. But I strongly believe in God's faithfulness and care.
ReplyDeleteI used to struggle with that.