Then I feel God prick my heart. He reminded me of my yesterday. Of getting to sleep in with my husband by my side. Of having a day with my grandparents, parents, siblings and their crews, my husband and my kids. Of hearing the laughter and splashes of my kids and nieces and nephews swimming. Of eating my favorite summer foods, fried green tomatoes, watermelon, and homemade ice cream. Of coming home for an afternoon nap before our evening events started. Of watching fireworks with friends. Of watching my 4 teenagers sit on a blanket on the grass talking and laughing. My heart goes from bitterness of these messes and my tired eyes to full of the great blessings He has given me.
Those piles of dirty clothes, that sink full of dishes and bags of things to be put away are all reminders that our family had a great holiday. That we were blessed. Sometimes we need to step back from the mess and see the blessing. A sink full of dishes is a reminder that we have been blessed with food. Think of all those who are starving, not hungry but literally starving. Those wet towels and bathing suits are reminders of fun and laughter. The late night is a reminder that we celebrated with family and friends. It is hard to grumble and complain when we are busy counting our blessings.
Today I challenge you to step away from the mess and look at it. Really look at it. What blessing is that mess showing you?

A perspective of thanksgiving is a game changer! You are indeed blessed!