My mouth is full of praise
and honor to You all day long.
Psalm 71:8
This verse in Psalm has been on my heart lately. My mouth is full of praise and honor to You all day long. While the verse is absolutely beautiful, it's really those final three words that I keep getting stuck on. All day long. It makes me think of my days. Yes, praise and honor to my God is on my lips. But all day long?
When I am frustrated and taking it out on my husband, praise and honor to God isn't coming from my mouth. When I am tired of telling my kids the same thing over and over and over again and my voice rises to angry mommy status, praise and honor to God isn't coming from my mouth. When I am irritated with the line at the store that is taking forever and a day, praise and honor to God isn't coming from my mouth. No, praise and honor isn't coming from my mouth all day long. Yet, it should be.
We need to let praise and honor be on our lips all day long. But how?
Use kind and pleasant words
When we use kind and pleasant words to others, we are honoring God. We need to stop looking at others as people who are irritating us, and start looking at them as children of God. When we see them as His children, we are able to use kind and pleasant words.
Pleasant words are a honeycomb:
sweet to the taste and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24
Be thankful
Be thankful for everything! When you are driving to work, say a brief prayer of thanksgiving for your job, your transportation, and your physical ability to work. When you are cooking dinner, say a prayer of thanksgiving for God's provision of food and for those you are cooking for. Thank Him for everything.
Give thanks to the Lord; call on His name;
proclaim His deeds among the peoples.
1 Chronicles 16:8
Turn on worship music
As you go about your day, turn on worship music. As you sing the songs, pay attention to the lyrics. For one, many worship songs use Scripture as lyrics, and secondly, worship songs make great prayers!
Let the whole earth sing to the Lord.
Proclaim His salvation from day to day.
2 Chronicles 16:23
Let's be women who have a mouth full of praise and honor for our heavenly Father as we go about our days.
1) Do you struggle with praise and honor as you go through your day?
2) What are other ways you can think to praise throughout your day?

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