How did this happen!? How did I get here? Just yesterday I was swaddling babies and now my husband and I are on the verge of an empty nest. It makes me emotional. It's hard. I know that my kids will always need me, I still need my mom and she still needs hers. But it will be in a different way, not as active as it once was.
While this time isn't easy on me, and while I cry when I look at my babies that aren't babies, I've learned that this time in middle is still important. Life is still important. Life is still good.
In her brand new book, The Middle Matters, Lisa-Jo Baker talks about why the middle matters in our muffin top, our marriage, our parenting, our living room, our failures, our sports practices, our friendships, and our faith. Lisa-Jo had me crying tears, in the middle of the DMV mind you, just reading the intro! Lisa-Jo gets it. She understands the middle.
Lisa-Jo shares different stories from personal experiences. She will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. Reading The Middle Matters is truly like sitting down for coffee with a dear friend as you discuss life. She will remind you of your worth as she tells you that your age isn't a dirty word. She will encourage your marriage when you think your love story is boring. She will remind you that a grilled cheese without the middle is just toast.
Friend, your middle matters. Whatever your middle is right now, the middle of diapers and bottles, the middle of school sports and carpools, the middle of teaching teens to drive and filling out college applications, the middle of an empty nest, whatever it is, it matters. Pick up The Middle Matters today! Just click below.

Thank you for this incredibly kind review Jennifer. I'm SO glad the book resonated!!