Earlier this year my husband and I purchased a small lot near the lake. We love spending time there. My husband and sons can fish all they want, my daughters and I love to just lounge in the hammocks and read, we can swim, go on walks, and the dogs love the open space. Our favorite thing is to just sit at the picnic table and do nothing but talk and enjoy the outdoors. We had hoped our phones wouldn't get signal so we could be offline, however they do. So we just turn the ringers off and leave them in the camper. We love this little escape so much!
On one of our weekend escapes, we met our neighbors. A sweet older couple who live there full time. They are as kind as can be and love Jesus. Since meeting them, we have only visited with them a handful of times. Early on they asked for our phone number and said they would keep an eye on our camper and let us know if anything was wrong. So kind!
Last month we were unable to visit our escape for a few weeks due to my husband's work schedule. We missed it so much. One day my phone rang and the caller id had our neighbor's name. I instantly thought, "Oh no! Something has happened to our camper!" That was not the case. Instead, the sweet voice simply said, "You haven't been down in three weeks and we wanted to make sure you were okay and just say hi."
Cue. The. Tears.
These people who we only met five months ago, who we have only talked to four or five times, cared enough to pick up the phone and call to check on us.
The past ten or so months have been very difficult for my husband and I. We've lost loved ones and have dealt with a rift in our extended families. Our hearts have been very heavy and we have often felt alone. To say I have been struggling is a vast understatement.
Just recently someone I am very close to said they were upset with me because I haven't talked to them in a couple months. This person never reached out to me. Never asked how I was. Never made the first move. They just got upset. It hurt knowing I upset them, but it also hurt that they didn't care enough to reach out.
What if we stopped getting upset, stopped ignoring people, stopping getting offended, and reached out? What if we told people that we've been thinking about them? What if we prayed for people?
That person you haven't seen in awhile, don't assume you know why. Pick up the phone and make a call. That person who has been on your heart today, don't think it's a random thought. Pick up the phone and check on them.
We need to love enough to truly care. We need to care enough to check on people. I pray we all become like my precious lake neighbors.

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