
Tuesday, December 1, 2020


November has flown right by! I cannot believe we are at the end of the year, and what a year it has been! When I look back at 2020, I see all the hardships we faced; as a nation and personally. If I had to sum up 2020 in one word, it would be hard.

Yet, as I look back, I also see blessings. Welcoming my first grandbaby, watching my daughter become a mother, seeing my second child become engaged to his girlfriend, my third child starting a new job and maturing into an amazing woman, my youngest finishing his last few lessons of high school, and my husband walking by my side through one of the hardest seasons of my entire life. Maybe I would sum 2020 up to rollercoaster.

November progress:

♦ Faith: I kept up with my daily Bible reading and Write the Word journal. I did not do the devotional that I had planned to.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I spent a lot of great time together, we also had some great conversations.
♦ Family: We had some fun, family time together. Not as much as I hoped, considering all of my kids work different schedules, but we did enjoy time together. I did not work on my photo albums like I planned.
♦ Home: I made sure to water my plants each week and did some deep cleaning that needed done.
♦ Ministry: I did blog work and church ministry work.
♦ Health: This one was a big struggle for me this month. I didn't drink near enough water, missed my vitamins most days, and didn't go on any walks.

November held progress in some areas and not so much in others. But I am okay with that. I will celebrate the little by little progress that was made.

As I prepare for this final month in 2020, I want to focus on enjoying life. This year has just been so hard, and to be honest, part of me wanted to toss out all of my Christmas decorations and never celebrate the day again. I wanted to stay in my home with my husband and kids and lock out the rest of the world. (My grandfather, who I was very close to, passed away on Christmas morning last year.) Instead, I will choose to soak in this season and enjoy my grandson's first Christmas and my son's last Christmas living at home.

December goals:

♦ Faith: Be in the Word every day, do my Write the Word journal, do my Advent study, and read my devotional book.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I try to spend time together each week. I also want to joyfully serve my husband. I love serving him and it feeds his love language, which is important.
♦ Family: We will celebrate Christmas as family. My husband and I are also planning a Christmas scavenger hunt for our family!
♦ Home: Other than keeping up with regular household cleaning and organizing, I want to paint the house.
♦ Ministry: My husband and I have made a big change with our church and ministries. Right now we are praying and waiting on God's direction.
♦ Health: I need to get back to drinking water and taking my vitamins. Doing these things helps me to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Powersheets help me through so much! I am so grateful for this little book that packs a powerful punch in my life. You still have time to get your Powersheets Goal Planner and make 2021 your best year yet! To order, click the image below:

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