
Tuesday, January 5, 2021


I absolutely love the beginning of the year! I know there is nothing magical about January 1st, yet, I love the day so much. The fresh start, the turning of a page, it makes me giddy!

Before we move on to January goals, let's recap December. Unfortunately, December found my family very sick with COVID19. So many things we planned and normally do were cancelled or postponed. We normally decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving night or the day after, this year we didn't decorate until a week before and instead of going all out, we only put a tree up. And I didn't even touch my Powersheets or planner until late in the month, I was just too sick.

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December progress:

♦ Faith: I read the Bible each day and did my Write the Word journal most days. I did not, however, do my advent study or devotional book. So while I stayed in the Word, I didn't hit all of my goals.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I did not get any date time, since we were sick and quarantined. 
♦ Family: We had planned to do a family scavenger hunt as an outing with our kids (they are all adults), but with the virus, we had to cancel. We did have a nice Christmas Eve and Christmas morning together!
♦ Home: I had hoped to do some painting in the house, again that had to be canceled because we were too sick.
♦ Ministry: I did some blog work and worked on the Woman to Woman Bible reading plan for 2021. As for church, my husband and I stepped down from our church (he was the associate pastor and I was the children's pastor). We are currently waiting on God for direction.
♦ Health: My health was poor in December! Mercy that virus got me good! I did take vitamins and drink lots of water, but I did not take any walks.

On to January! Many of my main goals are the same. I will always work on my faith, marriage, family, home, ministry, and health. My actions steps, however, may change from month to month.

#powersheets #goals #cultivatewhatmatters

#powersheets #goals #cultivatewhatmatters

January goals:

♦ Faith: My faith journey is my biggest goal this year. I will share more of the why and how tomorrow on the blog, so be sure to come back! My daily action steps are my quiet time and Write the Word journal, I do these each morning.
♦ Marriage: My husband and I will go on one or two dinner (or Saturday lunch) dates. My husband purchased a Nintendo (an original early 1980s Nintendo with the very first ever Mario Brothers games!) and we love spending quiet evenings playing together. It is a fun way to connect and laugh.
♦ Family: We still want to do our family scavenger hunt, but due to our kids' work schedules, I still have to figure out when. My daughter and son in law move this month, as does my son (he is moving from our home to his first home that he will share with his soon to be wife later this year after the wedding!) so this month is going to be very busy for us moving two households. Now that we will have two of our kids no longer living at home, I am hoping to set a night of the week that everyone comes over so that we can still have family dinner together.
♦ Home: I still really want to paint! Depending on how my kids' moves go, this will happen this month or next.
♦ Ministry: I will continue to work on the blog, Woman to Woman, and make plans for a special project that I will share very soon! As for our church ministries, my husband and I are in prayer and seeking God's guidance for our next home church and ministries.
♦ Health: I really do not care about weight loss, however, I want to feel better. I want more energy and to sleep better. I know that drinking more water, eating more veggies, and being more consistent with my vitamins will help. My daily action steps are to drink a green smoothie each morning, take my vitamins every morning, and drink at least 60 ounces of water every day. I do these things, but haven't been super consistent. Consistency is what I want to work on.
♦ Piano: Last year I set a goal of getting back to playing piano. I had really hoped that with a little practice, what I learned as a teenager would come back. Wrong. I don't remember much at all. I am working on a plan for the piano but due to my kids' moves this month, I am going to hold off until next month.

There you have it! Those are my goals and action steps for this month. What are you working on this month?

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